Sunday, May 19, 2013

Which Is The Right Acne Antibiotic Treatment

When does someone with acne consider an acne antibiotic treatment?

People that consistently suffer from bouts with acne become very disappointed. Acne is not really sociably acceptable and can lead the person with acne into severe stress, depression and even suicidal thoughts. These people have attempted to change their sleeping, eating habits, exercising routine and even bought the right products, supplements and acne treatment system but nothing seems to work successfully.

At this point they really should consult with their physician and see a dermatologist. There are prescription medications and the safest and most effective is Clindamycin also known as Cleocin-T.

Please read further to get a good understanding of what Clindamycin is for and what it is not for.

Clindamycin is the generic name for Cleocin-T. It is an antibiotic used to treat bacteria infections and acne as a topical gel. This medication is most commonly used for treating anaerobic bacteria.

How to use Clindamycin?

* It is usually taken 4 times a day every six hours. (Consult with your physician)
* It is important that you drink at least one full glass of water with this medication.
* Do not lie down for 30 minutes after taking the Clindamycin.
* Do not stop using the medicine if the symptoms of your infection have disappeared. You must finish your prescription to make sure that the bacteria is completely gone.

What can Clindamycin do for you?

Clindamycin aids in destroying P.Acnes, the bacteria that colonizes in the skin and causes not only whiteheads but inflamed zits, acne. It will also work as an anti-inflammatory and reduce the redness that accompanies skin inflammation.

What are the potential side effects of Clindamycin?

* Nausea
* Stomach upset
* Diarrhea
* Painful throat
* Yellowing eyes or skin
* White patches in mouth
* Vaginal discharge
* Skin rash and itching
* Dizziness
* Breathing trouble

What are the brand names of Clindamycin?

Cleocin, Cleocin Pediatric, Cleocin Phosphate and Cleocin HCl.

Safety measures and contraindications for Clindamycin?

* If you are allergic to Clindamycin, lincomycin, tartrazine yellow dye or aspirin; make sure you notify your physician.
* Don't use Clindamycin if you have trouble with liver or kidney disease.
* Do NOT use Clindamycin if you are pregnant. It can be dangerous for the unborn baby. This prescription drug can also pass on to the mother's milk so it should be avoided when breast feeding
* Discuss the usage of his medication if you have a history of asthma, eczema, or allergic skin reaction

In conclusion, Clindamycin should not be used for acne without consultation with a dermatologist and physician but can be effective in the treatment of acne if used properly. Clindamycin is the safest and most effective acne antibiotic treatment.

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