Sunday, May 19, 2013

Crepe Paper Uses

Copyright (c) 2010 Jane Morris

There are many uses for crepe paper folds, a few of which you may not know about.Some of the reasons are that they are made of durable material, the crepe paper comes in many colors and are easy to work with.

A popular use for your crepe paper sheets is to use them as table coverings for special event at any time. You just attach the folds together using tape or preferably clear drying glue and continue attaching the folds until you have enough to cover the table(s) you want covered.

If you are making table coverings for a wedding you may want to make the bride and grooms table covering white with a few splashes of the color in them for example if the female bridal party is dressed in purple then adding a purple fold for every two or three white folds will add a nice touch of color to the solid white without taking away from the white which of course resembles the purity and love of the bride and groom.

If your bridal party is sitting at different tables than the bride and groom then using the color purple again as an example with two or three white folds depending on the size of the table you are covering will let people know that table is for the bridal party. If you are using 16 white folds for the bride and grooms table then ideally you would want to add three or four purple folds. For the bridal party table using, the same 16 purple folds you may want to use three to one white crepe paper folds one on each end and one in the center.

For the guests table assuming they are long tables we recommend a lighter or darker shade of the color in this case purple with one white fold in the very center of the table covering.

For a birthday party folds make a great covering as well if you use a light version of the birthday boy or girls favorite color the guests can write messages on it. This makes a great souvenir as long as no one spills anything on it. You can also use the same idea for the gift table; just have the guests write a quick "note" before placing the gift on the table.

when decorating for the holidays you may want to use the color of folds for that specific holiday. For example, for Christmas, you will want to use red and green alternating the folds looks very nice on a table. For Valentine's Day red and pink, work great. The fourth of July of course you will want to use red white and blue in the correct order you can even buy star stickers and make a replica of the flag if you want too. Crepe paper fold are not only easy but also convenient way to cover any table or surface you want to decorate for any event.

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