Sunday, May 19, 2013

3 A's to Remember when Advertising

The most effective advertising messages contain a call to action. It is the company's chance to convert audiences into customers. It sways the undecided and reinforces interest in people familiar with the brand/offering. If you're into direct marketing, there are a lot of things you can do to improve customer response rate. The three A's are the key ingredients you should remember in coming up with these ads.


The placement of your call to action must clearly be visible to the target market. Whether on the sales page or email newsletter, placing the most important message above the scroll (before the customer scrolls down the page to see more) can considerably increase conversion. Those who are in a rush or otherwise not that interested will immediately move on if you don't do this. On the other hand, if something about your message catches their attention at first glance, they will want to know more.

Aside from putting the first call to action above the scroll point, it is also important to insert it within the content multiple times. This allows the customers to take action whenever they feel like it. Take care not to overwhelm readers. The call to action must be strategically placed and should complement the layout, rather than detract from it.


Make a strong impact with your message by choosing powerful words to convey your message. If you're trying to prompt specific reactions, state it clearly and directly. Basically, you need to avoid the passive tone in writing a direct copy. It is also important to be careful in phrasing your meaning. Place yourself in the reader's shoes, are you enticed by what you read? Did you become interested in "join", "subscribe", or even "donate" after what you have read?

Words are definitely an integral part of approach. But consider how you format the offers. For instance, saying $50 off may be more attracting than writing 10% off even if it will roughly translate to the same amount. Then of course, you need to have a consistent voice in all the company's communication medium.


Words are powerful but it is not enough in some cases. It can be used together with compelling designs and layout to make a stronger impact. The look of your copy should catch attention to the most important parts of your message. On the web, it is a good idea to use big buttons and red fonts to draw attention. Split test different designs to come up with the right formula that works for you.

All campaigns are unique. Everyone has a unique audience and goals, and they work in different industries. Keep the 3 A's in mind and make it work for you.

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