Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Home Working Opportunities

Getting organized is the key to making your life as a work at home mom efficient and, relatively, stress free. If you're able to get and stay organized, your organization and your home life will flourish. Without taking some simple organizational steps you'll be swamped with work and overwhelmed with laundry in no time.

One of the most important parts of getting organized as a Wahm is to establish business hours. Starting up specific working times during everyday has many benefits. First, you will be more consistent with your work. Once you have gotten used to starting and stopping at a specific time daily you'll work more efficiently. You'll manage your work time better and reduce distractions like checking your e-mail or watching tv. You will also be less likely to pick up things to do here and there, like laundry or taking time to errands. If you have set working hours, you'll schedule those tasks around your work time so you will be more focused during your work time. It helps your family and friends understand that you are working when you are at home, and you won't be available during those hours.

Next, you have to start delegating tasks to other family members. It may seem easier to do everything yourself, but when you have work duties on top of household duties you will realize how few hours in the day there are actually. There's nothing wrong with asking your children to fold the laundry, or having your husband cook dinner a few nights a week. By sharing the household duties as a family, you'll have more time to get your work done and feel more rested. The main thing to keep in mind when you delegate is that things will not be done the way that you would do them. However, they are getting done.

Thinking about your work and family activities will make the whole house run smoother. If you don't have a daily planner, then you need to get one. It does not matter if it's a paper planner or a computer application. When you use a planner to write down everything which should be done, and then plan each activity for a specific time then you will have a chance to deal with your time more wisely in and out of your home office.

Organizing your home at large may help make your business more organized. While it might take a while to establish some organizational habits in your house, your efforts will be well worth it. Don't try to get organized in a weekend or even several days. Work up to a level of organization. Start small with your desk space. Organize the things in your desk and top of your desk. Ensure that everything that you'll require has a place, and toss or donate things that you don't need. Then move on to another portion of the house. When something is out of place, it is easy to put it back in its home once you've taken the time to organize your storage spaces around the house. If need be, take a trip to an office supply store or home improvement store and buy items like bins, shelves and cabinets that can help you stay more organized.

Getting organized as a Wahm does take some time and effort. Realize that with time your organizational system will get better. Work with your family to make your home run efficiently, and then you'll be able to concentrate on your work when you need to.

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