Friday, September 28, 2012

Stress Management Ideas for Students

Some students go through good stress. This type of stress helps students to excel in school and activities. Sometimes too much stress becomes overbearing and as a result students can no longer function appropriately in class or while sitting examinations. Essentially, some stress helps students while too much can harm them. When stress becomes unmanageable it can harm a persons health, happiness, relationship and performance and their ability to perform every day tasks. Severe bouts of stress can even affect a student's personal development.

There are a few factors that cause stress in students. Bullies, a bad student-teacher relationship, peer pressure or a lack of friends, over scheduling of extra-curricular activities, lack of sleep, bad nutrition and the lack of support from family. These among many other things in life can cause stress.

To help relieve stress there are a few tips and methods students should incorporate in their school lives. Managing your time well is one very important method of stress management. With the help of teachers and parents, students can formulate a study schedule or timetable making sure to study in smaller chunks. Organizing notes and keeping track of assignments and their due dates will greatly help to relieve the burden of school.

Study and work in a stress free environment. Stay away from doing any work in front of a television or around a group of persons. These only distract students from the task at hand and it takes longer to have work done. The more quiet and studious the environment the easier assignments will be done. Some students, on the other hand, prefer a slightly more active environment to study and work in. Students should pick an environment that relaxes and calms them.

Not everyone learns the same way. Many students who are stressed are burdened because the material presented to them is hard to understand or keep their focus. Each person has their own style of learning and parents and teachers should investigate how children retain information. Some students are visual, kinesthetic (intuitively) or an auditory learner. It is very important to be taught in the way that you learn. If not, this can cause a lot of stress for the student as they begin to get overwhelmed and left behind.

Students should make sure to eat healthily and take care of their bodies. Physical exercise is important. Students who are stressed should participate in extra-curricular activities to release some of the stress they encounter day to day. Eight hours of sleep a night is essential to a healthy and active child, teenager or pre-adult. Take naps during the day if needed.

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