Friday, September 28, 2012

A Moving Checklist Will Keep You Sane During Your Important Move

Moving for anyone means that there are a hundred little details that need to be taken care of before the move can be made successfully. Before you can be sure of making any move successfully you need to have a moving checklist.

The checklist will give you an idea of all the tasks that need to be accomplished in order to make your move easily. Not having a checklist can lead to important things left undone and this can lead to problems that you don't need.

There are two different ways that you can get a checklist of your own. The first way is to get online and find one that is offered for free. There are many free checklists that you can download just be sure to look it over before using it to make sure it has everything on it that you need to get accomplished before the move.

You can also make your own checklist. In order to use this option you need to know what some of the different things that need to be included on this list. Below are some of the most essential things to include on your checklist.

1. Hire a moving company? If you are going to be hiring a moving company then this should be one of the first things on your list. You have to be sure that you hire a good company at least one month in advance if you want to ensure that you have help on the day of the move.

2. Bills - Contact the companies that you pay monthly bills to. You have to give yourself time to do this and make sure that every company is contacted so you don't forget to do it.

3. Change your address - You have to change your address with everyone that is important to inform. The post office should be the first place you go to for a change of address form. Then make a list of the other places that need to know so you can be sure that everyone important is notified.

4. Moving supplies - You want to list the moving supplies that you will need and be sure you give yourself plenty of time to get what you will need. This way you can be ready on the day of the move.

5. Packing - It is important to give yourself plenty of time to pack. List the items that will be going with you to make packing easier. If you are not packed on the day of the move and movers show up then this can cost you extra money because they will end up having to wait on you.

Now that you know some of the most important things that need to be included on your own checklist if you decide to make one; you are more prepared to put together a complete moving checklist. Just be sure to take your time and be 100% sure that every task is included on the list that needs to be done so your move can go as smoothly as possible.

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