Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Will Exercise Get Those Abs In Shape

Are you trying to burn off belly fat? Just about everyone would like to have a leaner looking midsection. But is it possible to spot reduce? Will doing hundreds of ab crunches get you that six pack? Read on to see.

Unfortunately, you can't pick and choose where you want the weight to come off - just like you can't pick where it goes on. But there are some things you can do to push your body in the right direction. Basically, you can have the greatest set of abs in the world, but no one will see them if you have belly fat covering them. If you want to show your abdominal muscles you've been working so hard at, you have to reduce your overall body fat percentage so they can be seen.

To lose weight you have to do one main thing - you have to burn off more calories than you consume. A pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. If you burn off 3,500 more calories in a week than you eat, you will lose a pound. This is not as difficult as it seems because there are a couple different ways to do this.

The easiest way to get rid of belly fat is through a reduced calorie diet. You don't have to follow a fad, low carb or low fat diet, just try reducing what you already eat. Cut your portions down or cut out a dessert or treat that you eat consistently. Cutting out a couple of cookies and a soda and some chips could easily add up to a 500 calorie daily reduction. Doing this daily would result in 3,500 calories at the end of the week.

Do not cut out too many calories. If your body thinks that you are starving it will start holding onto fat for energy. This is a survival mechanism in the body. You have to eat enough so that your body is comfortable using up the stored fat. Don't skip meals either. It is best to eat 5 small meals a day instead of two or three bigger meals. If you keep the body continuously fueled, it will continuously burn calories.

As you are trying to reduce your caloric intake, try to make better food choices. Refined carbohydrates like white grains and pastas turn into fat faster and settle right in your midsection. If you want to burn off that belly fat, try eating whole grain foods and unprocessed healthy fats like nuts and seeds. Not only will your metabolism increase to burn more calories, but there wont be that stubborn fat hanging around your midsection.

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