Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New World Beginnings for 2012

With all of the bad predictions linked to this date, where are any good new world beginnings for 2012?

Sure there are plenty of different predictions for bad things that might happen. Some say that there is some rogue planet behind the sun just waiting for the celestial alignment to destroy every thing.

Others talk about some rogue black hole that is going to swallow the solar system. Some religious fanatics have drawn another line in the sand, like they did in 1999, saying that 12/12/2012 is going to be the beginning of Armageddon.

Even the Mayan calendar that clearly ends on this date, while talking about some kind of natural catastrophe, has been blown out of proportion.

Okay, so maybe there is going to be some catastrophe that happens, but the world has been going through these changes since the beginning.

Really, there have been things going on right now that could be consider triggering effects, like the recent volcano in Greenland, earthquakes where there hasn't been any for hundreds of years.

What about the excess flooding, more severe weather, and changes in climate that are already going on?

Why not look at some good things that will happen in new world beginnings for 2012 instead? Not everyone subscribes to organized religion, and maybe those that fear the end is coming will be gone, and allow the rest of the people to relax and finally enjoy themselves.

Maybe those doomsday people will go into their bunkers, only to find out that wherever they are will be the areas most affected by natural disasters, and those people will be gone as well.

Maybe it is Mother Nature's way of culling the population, opening up some breathing room, getting rid of a lot of pollution that many have caused.

Here is another good point that may be the start of new world beginnings for 2012. Maybe so many people will get freaked out that they will be left without their technological gadgetry that finally they will start looking for alternative power sources.

Perhaps a change to renewable ones like solar power, wind turbines, and even magnetic generators, which don't need any kind of outside power sources.

Look at how many people are obese in today's society. Most of this is because of lack of exercise, poor eating habits, and just being lazy.

Maybe the new world beginnings for 2012 will make us have to go back to much simpler times, when you walked, rode animals, or biked where you needed to go.

When you had to grow your own food, hunt and kill your meat. When this meant that you actually had to go out and tend to your crops, walk around with your bow or spears, and do something besides sit on the couch or in front of the computer all day.

So instead of worrying about things that you may not have any control over, fearing the unknown, get out and do something productive, like getting closer to your family.

Put families above earning the all mighty dollar. Get yourself prepared in good ways. If there is going to be some kind of catastrophe that is going to knock out power, or fuel for your cars, maybe it's time you bought alternative transport and power sources.

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