Wednesday, May 15, 2013

To Get Six Pack Abs - Read This Article

One exercise that really helps you with getting those enviable six pack abs is the Jackknife sit ups exercise. Lie down on your back, flat on the floor. Place both your arms down on the floor, on either side of your body, with your palms facing the floor. As you gradually begin to get used to the Jackknife exercise, you can lift your arms off the floor, for greater challenge, as your muscles will have sufficient strength in them to not require support with your arms anymore.

Raise your face and shoulders from your upper body. At the same time raise your feet all the way up, in such a way that you are aiming at touching your knees with your face. Initially this may not be possible right away, but gradually as you practice, you will see this happening for real. You should aim at making a kissing contact with your knees. This type of movement is naturally likely to make your fold your knees, such that a person seeing you will see your feet touching the base of your butts, and your body position at this time will look appear to be similar to the look of a Jackknife. 

Now slowly release this position and come back to rest on the floor in a controlled manner. You could do a set of 10 reps for a start. As you gradually become stronger, you can increase the number of sets. As you feel, you have become extremely comfortable with the exercise, start adding weights between your feet, while doing this exercise. With increasing comfort, you can keep on piling the value of the weights that you add between your feet while performing this exercise.

Another effective exercise for the six pack abs is the static hold and side static exercise. Assume the body position that one assumes at the time of performing the push-up exercise. The only variation in your body position from the push-up exercise position is the fact that instead of your palms supporting your upper body against the floor, it is your elbows this time around that are supporting your upper body against the floor. 

Also make sure that your whole body stays parallel to the floor. This position of the body is called the static body position. This position really helps the body with its real purpose of developing a strong core, which are strong back muscles and strong abs muscles for a strong and healthy body posture.

Hold onto this position for as long as you can. It is recommended that beginners start out with holding for roughly 45 to 50 seconds. As you develop strength and a sense of comfort, you could test your limits and hold on this position for even up to, as long as 5 minutes.

With these kinds of heavy duty exercises, there is no way those elusive six pack abs are not going to yours very soon.

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