Wednesday, May 15, 2013

11 Online Marketing Strategies For Building More Backlinks

Building backlinks is one of the best online marketing strategies that has withstood the test of time. A backlink is where you have your website address on somebody else's website.

In this article I will offer several tips on how you can build backlinks to your website. Some of these you may not have considered.

1. Create a signature file and hang out in discussion forums. Be sure your website address is hyperlinked in your signature file. Every time you add a post to a discussion thread you create a link back to the web page you are hyperlinking to.

2. Do article marketing. This is where you write and submit articles to online article directories.

Each article should include a bio box with your website address in it. There are thousands of article directories you can submit to and you may want to use an automation service to reach more of them quickly.

3. Subscribe to Google alerts for blog articles relating to the theme of your business. When you get one in your email box go to that blog and add a comment. Instead of using your name use a keyword phrase. Then add your comment and post your name in the comment box.

4. Reciprocal linking still works. This is where you trade links with other website owners. The important thing is to trade with relevant websites that have something in common with the theme of your own Internet business.

5. Do ezine advertising. If the ezine is archived online you will create a backlink with your ad in the issue that is published.

6. Do a press release and you have something newsworthy to announce. Use an online PR company.

7. Become a guest blog author. Many blogs are starving for fresh content. They let you write an article and include your resource box on their blog.

8. Buy a text link on the sidebar of a large blog. This can create hundreds or thousands of links as the blog content increases.

9. Submit your website to online directories. Use a directory submission company or software to automate the process.

10. Try social bookmarking. Everytime you make a blog post submit it to social directories with a services like Only Wire.

11. Create online videos and submit them to Youtube. Video marketing is popular and a great way to get quality backlinks.

When you consider online marketing strategies backlinks still work very well. Do these 11 that we have listed plus more of your own to create even more links back to your site.

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