Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is The Economy Getting Better Or Worse

Many people are watching and hoping for this very unstable economy to improve. Some sources are reporting that there seems to be little flickers of hope that the economy has turned the corner. Some speculators think that the economy is improving while others say that we are headed for another decline.

I like being positive. But being positive does not change things that are outside of my control. I would certainly like to see the economy turn around and for things to progress in a positive direction. But what influence and control do I have over our national economy and the global economy?

Many people today are hoping and praying for things to improve; so am I. On the other hand, there are those who, because of the impact of the economy on their lives, are desperate for something to happen very soon. An improvement in the economy may be outside of our control, but there is something that you can control. Too many people miss that option.

I cannot control taxes, can you? I cannot control unemployment and inflation, can you? I cannot control the out of control government spending, can you? (Well, I guess I can cast my vote against the big spenders, but there is no guarantee the next person in office won't do the same things.)

So what can a person do? Are we to just sit here waiting and hoping for things to get better? And if there is another decline, then what? Or, is there something that we have absolute control over right now? Yes, there is.

It is always in my power to change my own life regardless of the economy and governmental constraints. I fully understand that sometimes those things may make it more challenging, but I am still in control of my own life and thus, I control my own destiny. I can change who I am.

No, this is not just some nice positive thinking verbiage to make one feel good. This is not ignoring the facts by saying, "Just be positive and everything will be fine." This is how to live above the circumstances and conditions you are surrounded with.

What a marvelous thing God gave to every human being: free will. Every one of us has it. We each have the freedom to choose the thoughts that we think. But few really know how powerful those thoughts can be, and how life changing they really are.

Scores of people wait and hope that the economy will improve. Many have become afraid of what will happen to them if things get worse. But they put forth no effort to change their own lives regardless of what is coming or not coming.

Others have succumbed to the position that if things do get worse, then the government will just have to take care of all of us. How naïve can people be? How have so many people been duped into looking to the government to provide for their lives?

But a few people have recognized, understood, and taken action on the one thing that can be changed. By changing it, they know that it will absolutely change their life, regardless of the circumstance and conditions. They understand that their dominant thoughts determine their life.

You can call it the Law of Attraction, or the Law of Vibration, or any number of catchy phrases. Almost every self help book or course will in some form or another say that you change your external circumstances by first changing your internal thinking. It is a law of the universe that works for anyone.

The Bible simply states, "As he thinks in his heart, so is he." The truth is that until you change your internal thinking, you will always be controlled by external circumstances. God gave each of us the free will to do this.

Day by day, regardless of what is going on around us, we can consciously and deliberately build a mindset for the things we do want in life. We can paint a picture in our own minds of who God says that we are, and what He says that we can have. There are no recession disclaimers for the promises of God.

The Bible says that out of our own heart are the issues of our life. So, as we build that picture of who we are, and build what God has promised to us into our hearts, we can then look to God for His guidance and direction, and not be afraid to take action. Instead of waiting to see what happens, with God's help we can decide to make things happen.

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