Thursday, April 18, 2013

Before You Buy Professional Photography Equipment: 10 Tips To Shooting Good Photographs

If you're a beginning photographer or are investing in professional photography equipment, there are certain tips that every photographer should know. Here are the top 10.

1. Down Below: Shooting objects from above puts distance between the viewer and the photo. Lower the camera so that when you shoot you are on the kid's or pet's eye level.

2. Background: Don't shoot an interesting subject on a hectic background. Try not to shoot trees or lamp posts in the immediate vicinity of the subject. A plain background will make your photograph less cluttered and distracting and more intimate.

3. Flash Outside: When outside, a fill flash can illuminate your subject's face, which may otherwise be clouded by shadow. Especially in bright sunlight, when it's shining from directly above or behind, a bright face with clearly outlined cheeks, nose and eyes makes a more appealing photo. Flash is great even on cloudy days.

4. Close Up: For macro shots, get as close as possible. Use the zoom, or walk closer. This will help with lessening the background distractions, and it will enhance details. Use the macro mode when you are shooting close ups with lots of color.

5. Portrait Style: A vertical portrait brings intimacy to the photo by allowing the viewer to interact, rather than merely observe, as in a horizontal shot. Even if it's not a portrait of your mother you're shooting, landscapes and interiors can look good vertical too.

6. Focus: Locking the focus while shooting can help you photograph off center subjects. Try to center it, and press halfway down; this will reframe the subject. Keep holding the shutter and press all the way down when you're ready.

7. Candid Shots: A photograph is often better when it's less rehearsed. By placing your subject near a corner of the frame, you can create a more lifelike photograph. Remember to lock the focus in place when shooting.

8. Flash Range: Using a flash out of range doesn't achieve much. 10 feet, or four steps, is the average flash power, unless you're using strobe equipment or professional photography equipment.

9. Lighten Up: Light makes the picture. Scenic pictures look best in the early morning and late afternoon. Portraits are best on cloudy days. Study lighting effects in your photos to get a better sense of what works and what doesn't.

10. Be a Photographer: Don't just take pictures. For the best results, you need to set the scene. Use your hands to organize and tell subjects how and where to stand. Add props, try different arrangements and bring people together.

With these 10 tips you will be on your way to buying professional photography equipment in no time. Before you invest in a nice camera, try a digital camera rental NYC, if you live in New York. That way you can become familiar with higher end equipment so you eventually know what you need.

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