Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Want to Succeed in MLM

Copyright (c) 2010 Alan Benney

Have you tried and failed at MLM and are looking for the reasons why? Stop what you are doing and learn secrets today to why MLM has such a high failure rate.

If you are not familiar with Multi level marketing or sometimes referred to as MLM then keep reading to get the basics.

Through bad publicity it has created the impression of pyramid selling and that is probably the reason it has such a high failure rate not many people are capable of explaining the difference.

However there is a big difference. MLM recent reports describe it as a very good business model and perfectly legitimate where as, pyramid selling is illegal.

The object of MLM is to build a residual income so when you do decide to retire then you do not have to rely on the state pension which according to recent reports could end up being non existent in years to come.

However the reason why there is such a high failure rate is some people are leaders and others are followers.The leaders are the successful ones. However if you are a follower then that is not a negative many folks start out this way and become very good leaders under the influence of leaders, after all its just another skill to learn.

In order to become successful in any business or profession there is always a learning curb and the trick is to discover the secrets to be consistent.

What most people find hard to comprehend is failure is part of success. If you were to study and read biographies of success full business people or inventors for example: Edison who invented the electric light from the books I have read he was considered to be an extravert to say the least.

The amount of times he faced defeat and failed was endless but he never gave up and will go down in history as one of the greatest inventors. Where would we be without electricity?

If you study successful entrepreneurs in the world of network marketing or MLM you will discover the secrets to there success in this field. The secret is if you help people to get what they want then you will get what you want. It's the setting of the sail and the sowing of the seed some seeds land on stony ground and die, where as other seeds will grow but the trick is to keep sowing seeds.

MLM is not for everybody but many people have created wonderful life styles for their selves and there is no reason why you can not achieve the same if this in your list of goals.

However choosing the right product is essential. If it is a luxury product then you are doomed to fail in this economical climate. It is essential to promote products with repeat business and build a customer base for example utilities.

I recently read an article that around 87% of people that reach the age of 65 have little or no savings and if you have savings of more than £10,000.00 then you are in the top 5% in the country that are considered to be rich.

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