Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Great Treatments And Diet For Yeast Infection Sufferers

Treating yeast infections with a yeast free diet can be a great way of also treating a plethora of other medical issues. In the late 70's doctors began to suggest that candida which is yeast that normally lives in our intestinal region, can secrete harmful toxins. Doctors felt that these harmful toxins could interrupt our metabolism, in turn creating or making worse a wide array of health issues.

While all doctors can agree that yeast infection treatment can help aid in curing your run of the mill normal yeast infections it is now argued that a diet for yeast infection can also aid in stopping or curing a great deal of other health issues as well.

Medical Issues That May Benefit From Candida Diets and Candida Treatments

- Joint Pain
- Immune System Issues
- Fatigue
- Migraines
- Depression
- Asthma
- Crohn's Disease
- Eczema
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowl
- Hypoglycemia
- Gastritis
- Chemical Sensitivity Syndromes

During the 80's yeast free diets started to gain traction and popularity. Despite some skepticism from mainstream doctors many physicians across the world have begun to report that Candida diets and treatments are helping restore their patients to better health at an increasing rate.

This is backed by recent scientific studies that show Candida overgrowth can suppress the part of the immune system that helps combat infection. It also stimulates a different part of our immune system that leads to making our allergic reactions worse. Therefore it isn't a large leap to say that foods containing yeast, absorbed through our intestines, can cause some harm to our body.

So What Exactly Are Yeast Infection Treatments and Yeast Free Diets?

One of the most crucial Candida treatments is moderately reducing the amount of carbs in one's diet. Candida diets heavily restrict yeast, grains, sugar, alcohol, moldy cheeses and stuffed meats.

Most doctors find that a slightly less restrictive diet can lead to the same results as the stricter one. These candida diets encourage vegetables. legumes, nuts, berries, fruit, plain yogurt and plain cheeses. This diet also usually will allow a couple slices of bread or a one serving of your favorite pasta each day. Like the strict candida diets one should still avoid foods like sugar, honey, alcohol and foods high in yeast.

If you're on a candida diet and still not feeling any better than an additional course of treatments may be needed. A few of theses treatments can include an array of natural supplements or different medications that are targeted at stopping candida infections.

One of the more popular treatments includes the use of Oral Nystatin as it not usually absorbed from the bowel therefore making it safer in yeast free treatments.

Before starting a diet for yeast infection one should always visit a doctor first. You may want to try and pick a doctor who specializes in candida diets and yeast free treatments.

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