Friday, August 10, 2012

Top 3 Ways To Get Better Networking Results

Be honest- are you one of those people who hate walking up to strangers putting out your hand to get a limp wimpy shake while introducing yourself. You're not alone! I remember the first time I attended a networking event I kept thinking how on earth am I going to introduce myself to someone I don't know, much less carry on a conversation.

Thinking about and agonizing over what to say when meeting new people in social situation. It was a clear case of networking fear.

You are not alone. Even highly successful people have times when they feel intimidated by other people. Why? Because no matter how well you are doing there is always someone higher up the ladder!

Fear is that uncomfortable feeling that stops you from being all you can be even when you know better. It limits your enjoyment of life and it kills even the best intentions you have for living your life to the full.

Think about it... if you had no fear what would stop you from making your life and your business the exact way you want it to be?

Thankfully there are three effective ways to deal with networking fear and take back control of your personal and business life:

1. Networking is only 20% of the job it's your follow-up that really counts. It's time for the networking event and your excited about the people you're about to meet. Hold on a second, that's just the first part of the connection. It's what happens afterward that counts. If you don't follow-up with the people you meet you are just wasting your time. Here are a few pointers of things you can do:

- Send them a hand written note
- Invite them to coffee or tea
- Give them a call. While calling people just to say hello might be nice and even appreciated understand that when you're calling someone in business, they probably don't have time just to chat.

2. The true value of networking is not collecting cards and calling people but in your ability to connect the people you meet with others and finding out how to meet THEIR business needs NOT your needs. Change your thinking from "what's in it for me?" to "How can I help you?" Everybody is looking out for number onethemselves. If you're getting the visibility the it's about you but if you are nuturing then it's about them. If you can find a way to help them they will surely think you are the best networker they have ever met.

3. Being too "smooth" can hurt you. No one wants to meet a "sales person" at a networking event. Even though I'm sure everyone realizes people attend these events to meet people and make great business connections nobody wants to feel like you've been cornered by a used car salesperson. So how should you act? Be yourself because everybody else is taken.

By applying these 3 networking tips you'll get better results and quality connections that 's a win win for everybody. Happy networking!

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