Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Power - The Laws of Attraction - The Secret, What Did It Leave Out

The power of the laws of attraction is phenomenal if you know how to harness it. The movie "The Secret" really just raised people's interest, most would try one or two things from the movie and when they didn't work they would just give up.

So what did they leave out of the movie "The Secret"? What didn't they tell you? Well it's not wishful thinking, it isn't just positive thoughts though there's nothing wrong with having a positive attitude in fact to harness the power of the laws of attraction you have to know the real secret.

What else is there to know, I think and the universe responds right? If it was that easy everyone would be rich, having amazing lives, the world would be rid of evil, there wouldn't be any crime.. So there has to be more to it doesn't there.

Perhaps that's why Rhonda Byrne is bringing out the sequel "The Power" to fill in the missing links. There is an element of science in the application of the laws of attraction and yes there are more than one.

I'm not a sceptic I truly believe in the laws of attraction, I have proof in my own life that they work. Oh and by the way they work equally well negatively as they do positively.

Most people are saboteurs of their own success. They take notice of the little voice inside their heads that always has the last word. If something good happens in their lives, they listen to that little voice whispering to them "it can't last" , "no gain without pain" and of course that little voice is absolutely right.

As soon as they have heard it, boom! Back to normal or what they believe is normal. More proof as far as they are concerned that the laws of attractiion don't work. It is exactly the opposite in fact - proof that they do work, like I said positively and negatively.

The laws of attraction respond to your beliefs, now some of your thoughts are just wishes that you don't really believe so when you don't get your wishes it's because you don't believe you can.

You may even think you don't deserve it, being successful is for the "rich". There are many ways to be successful, not just financially, in relationships, attracting the love of your life, being happy and contented. Being contented is different for everyone, being rich is different for everyone.

Things that make you happy are different for everyone, likewise being in harmony with the power of the laws of attraction is also different for everyone but the way you harness that power is similar.

Harnessing the power can be taught, if you believe the old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" your chances of harnessing the power are not that good.

Unless, you do something to break out of the old beliefs you have and replace them with new ones. It may not seem that the laws are working for you all the time, it takes practise, you have to keep faith. Will "The Power" give you the answers? Time will tell.

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