Sunday, August 12, 2012

Stress Relief Techniques - Meditation, Not Medication, Could Be The Therapy You Need

Most of us live a stressful life, competing with others, and overloading ourselves with work and responsibilities, in order to stay ahead. This stressful existence opens up the gateway to mental and emotional ailments, which in turn create the knock-on effect of physical health problems. However, there are ways to cope, without the need for harmful drugs or medicinal prescriptions. More than ever before, meditation is a serious option when considering stress relief techniques, in order to help maintain a healthy and happy life.

Traditional meditation focuses on objects, like a candle, or your breath. Your mind and body relaxes resulting in the experience of inner peace. The more you are focused the better the results. Meditation develops your concentration levels. Many people believe meditation is not right for them. However, anyone can easily learn meditation and if practiced regularly it will help you know yourself better. Here are some meditation techniques that are easy to follow yet work effectively.

The most basic form of meditation is to close your eyes and count your breaths. You simply breathe in and breathe out and pay attention to the sensation of your breath coming in. You feel the air moving in and out of your nostrils. This helps you concentrate. As you follow this simple technique, you will notice that your focus on counting your breaths is increasing and your contact with the outside world is reducing. Keep your eyes closed during this process and remain focused.

Another common technique is the use of a mantra. In traditional Hindu culture, the word 'Om' is considered magical, with healing powers. The skill lies in chanting it from the bottom of your heart. It can be any mantra - all you have to do is to chant it again and again so that your mind focuses on it. When you chant anything repeatedly whilst sitting in a quiet room with your eyes closed, you will notice your contact with the outside world is reduced.

Over the years, meditation is one of the stress relief techniques that has undergone many transformations. Now, using advanced yet simple techniques, meditation becomes easy to do. One example is the initiation technique. After a Divine Energy initiation, from a competent master, you can achieve a deep meditation state almost instantly. To reach such a deep state of meditation used to require months of intense training, but today can be achieved very quickly, using modern training techniques.

Thinking positive thoughts during meditation can have a positive affect on your body. This is known as 'self healing meditation' and requires deep meditation. Through this, positive energy produced in our body accelerates the healing process. These days, this form of meditation is commonly suggested by hospitals.

If you are weighing up which of the numerous stress relief techniques is right for you, meditation should be a serious consideration. During meditation, you should be in a calm and quiet place. This will help you focus. The mat or carpet you are practicing on should be comfortable, otherwise you can become easily distracted. Early morning is the best time to meditate as the mind is fresh. Drinking a glass or two of water before meditating is a good idea, however eating too much is not. Keep yourself light and your mind relaxed. With your stomach neither empty nor full, you will concentrate better.

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