Sunday, August 12, 2012

Leadership Training Step 9

Step 9 in the leadership success system is to celebrate all your successes and achievements no matter how small.

Ceremonies and festivities or simple praise should always be a part of your plan.

Praise Individuals on your team publicly. People have a desire for approval. Praise makes people feel good. When others see people getting praise they also gain a positive outlook thinking they will also be praised in the future. Reprimands are best given in private. That way, individuals will not be afraid to make mistakes. Individuals do not want to be seen to be ridiculed or called out for deficient work in front of their fellow team mates. This can lead the whole team into not taking any risk, not thinking on their own and not instigating the innovations, which could improve the plan. Additionally a team that thinks for itself requires less supervision. This step can save you a lot of time and aggravation. You need the feedback, the innovations to continually improve your plan or to keep things on track.

Praise for successfully attaining a goal or your plan or simple praise for the thing done right creates a loyal team and it makes them feel good. We are all emotional beings and the more we create a positive emotional atmosphere, the happier, the greater the effort, the greater the willingness others will have to follow their leaders.

A winning gesture or ritual, ever an outrageous dance are seen today performed by many professional athletes after they score a goal, accomplish a task or win a race? You want to anchor those positive emotions in your brain. That's why that ritual V for victory, that simple thumbs up, or those up raised arms are so essential to embed that winning feeling. And of course certain professional athletes have taken this to a whole new level with their entertaining dances and antics after they score a goal or touchdown. Positive emotional feelings will motivate you to do your best over and over again, to quickly reach your objectives and to succeed more often.

Being recognized for the good things you do can be an awesome motivator. Give many people a little recognition and watch them jump through hoops and push the limits. Simple things such as praise, pins, badges, trophies and other seemingly simple stuff can mean more to some people than a pile of money. If you want recognition to have a tenfold effect hand it out at a meting or gathering. Recognize people's efforts and they will follow you and perform miracles for you.

Celebrate! It feels good. We are all creatures of emotion.

Remember Always celebrate any success.

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