Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seeing Red In Your Aura

More often than not Red is seen in the Aura of younger people. It is a color of energy, power, action and passion. It has potential positive and negative attributes, the same as every other color. The colors of the aura reflect our personalities and how we feel at any particular time. They can also be affected by ill health or feeling mentally or emotionally low.

Here I concentrate on a few of the more common characteristics of the red aura - a few good and bad! The red I describe here, is the brighter, more vibrant shade as there is a deeper shade of red that corresponds more with mature individuals who tend to spend a lot of their time in hard, physical and practical and manual jobs and pastimes.

So What Does It Mean To Be Red?

Red, if it is the dominant or core aura color and is a vibrant and bright shade, will denote the following personality potentials:

An individual with high energy, a very active person, feeling quite high, happy and full of life. These people don't tend to be passive onlookers - no these are the action takers, the sports men and women of this world. They will be interested in and more than likely take part in a wide variety of sports or exercise, they may even work within the sports or exercise field as a career.

They have a strong will power and a very "can do" attitude - not just to sports but to life in general. These people tend to have a very practical nature as they are do-ers. They are very capable people. They enjoy new experiences and the odd bout of competition or danger is very appealing to them.

Usually these are evry sociable people, they like social events and gatherings. Often they will be the center of attention in such social groups and will be the leaders or managers in the workplace.

These people are always on the go and would find it hard to sit still for any length of time. Consequently they may have found their school years difficult or tedious. As they would not want to be confined to the classroom and may well have been disruptive to the class - subsequently finding themselves in trouble quite regularly. They make good entrepreneurs as they can be driven in their attitude and quite unique in their way of thinking.

The down side can be that sometimes they get overtaken by their desire to succeed or to win. They could easily slip into being a little arrogant or bossy - even controlling. This is more because they think everyone should act and live at their pace and they would find it hard to tolerate anything less long-term. They can come across as impatient and almost intimidating at times.

Red is all too quickly associated with anger.Yes anger is denoted by the color red but it is not to be immediately associated as a negative.

Anger after all can be exactly the energy we need to pull ourselves out of situations and to resolve what is ultimately not right for us. Anger is only negative if it's not dealt with appropriately. This would be something a red personality in their positive aspect could very easily do. Anger, in its more negative aspect is more likely to be seen as a dark or muddy red in the aura, it may even feel hot! (Aura reading is not solely about the colors themselves but also about the feelings, sensations and images that come to mind as you interpret the color).

Don't let the mention of anger give you the wrong impression as these people can also be quite sensitive - though they would never admit to it. Some of this inability to openly express their feelings and emotions is why they need to find positive ways that work for them as individuals to release any pent up feelings. Because they are not tangible, feelings and emotions etc can be hard for them to deal with. The physical body they can control and look after, the mental emotional aspect of themselves is not so easy for them.

The other commonly associated characteristic with red in the aura is sex and passion. Red naturally aligns to your Base or Root Chakra and that area is all about your need for security and for survival. It is directly associated with the external sexual organs, so it often does denote a passionate nature. Or at least a time of high passion, excitement and adventure.

The red personality looks after their appearance and will usually have a good physical shap. They tend to appreciate their physical body. In a way part of their personal power comes from how good they look and feel - giving them an air of confidence and attitude. A large part of feeling good will come from enjoying their body, so they can have a strong sexual appetite. In its positive aspect this can mean they enjoy good physical closeness with their partner, out of balance it may mean they can easily be drawn to more risky sexual encounters.

The person with red in the aura, will enjoy their own independence and have an optimistic outlook on life. They are interested in life and want to enjoy it. Out of balance they may suffer periods of feeling extremely exhausted and may be prone to high stress and tension. They can become very frustrated and may even want to hit out at times. They need physical freedom and a way to release any tension they hold on to. A red that does not keep moving can easily store emotional energy and tension and will need positive ways to release that to prevent them from boiling over!

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