Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How Much Trust Can You Put into an Online Sommelier

Many times, people complain that their wine is too bitter, too sweet or just doesn't taste good with their food. An inexperienced wine waiter is likely to blame. Unsuccessful pairing happens very frequently but can be avoided with new DNA driven technology. The DNA of grapes has gone a long way in preventing the theft of expensive grape vines; now it helps immensely with the pairing process.

Discovering the perfect wine and food combination for every type of food requires education and experience. You will likely only find professional sommeliers working in fine restaurants where their education and experience can be put to use daily.

Food and Wine Pairing

Master Sommeliers are trained to match the taste of your food to the perfect accent beverage. No more than 200 Master Sommeliers currently exist in the world. You may acquire special training from select catering schools.

Until recent years, the pairing process has involved charts and books. A Dutch University recently created a program that makes pairing easier. The program uses input about your meal and information from the DNA of grapes to pair meals with the perfect accent beverage.

DNA Driven Technology

Law enforcement has used DNA technology to catch criminals for many years. The same basic technology is put to use by online sommeliers. Utilizing the information you provide about your meal, the program matches your meal to the perfect wine choices.

You'll receive several choices to choose from, because not all tastes are the same. Someone who may enjoy a Chianti may not like a deep, rich Burgundy, but both would show up as suggestions for certain types of ham for example. The digital sommelier offers up several options that, based on DNA technology, will go well with your meal, so the ultimate choice is still yours.

Will these online kiosks destroy food and wine pairing as we know it? Not likely. Many people will not go look online just to choose their wine before heading out to their favorite restaurant. Popular mobile applications put your favorite sommelier quite literally in the palm of your hand. One quick visit from your mobile device and you can enjoy your meal, knowing you made the right choice.

Your Personal Digital Sommelier

Could wine and food pairing really be as simple as two easy steps? The quick answer is "Yes." Just a few clicks and you could be filling your glass with the perfect accent beverage to match your meal. Let's take a look at just how simple it really is:

Choose Your Meal: Visit your favorite online sommelier. Click on your meal or create a new meal based on the criteria available.

View Acceptable Pairings: Click another button to view acceptable pairings. Choose your favorite variety from the lists shown and head to the wine cellar and prepare to "wow" your guests.

Choosing the right wine really does come down to science; the science of taste, vinification, and pairing food with the perfect accent beverage. Many people don't understand where DNA comes into play when choosing the right wine. Now you can help them understand.

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