Saturday, August 18, 2012

Credit Repair Back From the Brink

Taking Control

No matter what your credit looks like today, there is a solution, a way to restore your credit scores and the health of your report. Credit repair is the answer. Credit repair offers an alternative to living with poor credit, a dynamic way to do something positive. Take the following steps and regain control.

Make Today the Day

Credit repair does not have to be a dream about the future. Put your feet on the path and you will find that the horizon is not far off. Good credit may be as little as six months away, a tolerably short time. Make the decision and discover the wonderful and liberating feeling that comes from doing something right for you.

A Small Investment

Start the credit repair job with a decent credit report. Saving money is important so do not misunderstand, but this is not the time to try to save pennies. Spend fifteen or twenty dollars on a credit report that will make your task easy. Tri-merged reports sold by the credit bureaus are wonderfully user friendly and will allow you to identify errors quickly.

Expect Trouble

The credit bureaus do a quite decent job, but most credit reports have errors. And if you have had late payments, charged off accounts, or collections, you are statistically much more likely to have errors than someone that has had no credit difficulty. The errors that are generated following real derogatory events can be very costly. Take the time to find everything that looks wrong and get ready to dispute it.

Keep it Lean and Simple

Once you have found all of the questionable issues on your report it is time to write letters to the credit bureaus. When it comes to credit repair dispute letters, it is a time tested fact that less is more. Make the letter clear, and include the important identifying information about the accounts, but do not tell your life story. A single line stating the nature of the problem and a request for correction is enough.

Credit Repair means Patience

The credit bureaus can be cantankerous. Some people even believe that a solid twenty-five percent of the dispute letters that are sent to the credit bureaus are either thrown away or systematically rejected without examination. To get the job done with minimal stress, try to relax, and plan to send your request a few times if necessary. If you get a verification letter stand your ground and demand that the bureau does further research.

Rebuild Simultaneously

While you are fighting the good fight with the bureaus, it would be wise to use the time constructively and rebuild your credit. One of the great secrets of credit repair is that new credit opened after troubled times is given enormous weight by the credit scoring models. Use this fact and open a couple of little secured cards right now. Your dispute process may take six months. By the time your reports are cleaned up your score will be looking fine!

Help is Near

If you feel overwhelmed by the situation there are many options. Credit repair companies are typically very affordable and can manage the complete process for you, including providing the advice you need to build and manage your new and existing accounts. These services are valuable and a great option to fixing your credit on your own. Time moves quickly, take action today.

Copyright © 2010 Ian Webber. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

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