Saturday, August 18, 2012

Attain A Slimmer Body With An Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure more commonly known as a tummy tuck. It involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightening abdominal muscles for a smoother and firmer look. The type of tummy tuck a person chooses depends on the amount of skin and fat they want removed. A complete abdominoplasty involves the whole area of the abdomen and requires a wider cut.

Partial abdominoplasty is less invasive and is suitable for people who just has a small amount of excess fat and skin. An extended or circumferential abdominoplasty is another type designed to accentuate the figure of people who has a lot of excess skin after major weight loss. In some cases, abdominoplasty may also include reconstruction of the belly button. Depending on the type of procedure, an abdominoplasty can take between 1 to 5 hours to complete.

Although abdominoplasty is generally considered a form of cosmetic surgery, a person needs to be in good physical health before undergoing this type of procedure. It is generally recommended for people who are unable to get rid of excess fat and skin through diet and exercise. It is also recommended for women whose abdominal muscles has been stretched because of multiple pregnancies and for people who has a lot of excess skin after a major weight loss.

As with all surgeries, candidates should discuss their goals prior to committing to the procedure. Surgeries of any type run the risk of complications, so it is very important to choose your doctor based on their qualifications and training. Medical history, any medical condition and any medication should be disclosed.

Depending on the type of abdominoplasty performed, recovery may take between 1 to 4 weeks and patients are advised to refrain from strenuous activities. Some bruising and swelling is expected which can be mminimized by using supportive abdominal binders. Surgeons may prescribe pain medication if needed, and the stitches are expected to be removed a week after the surgery.

The amount of scarring will depend on the techniques used in the surgery and the body's ability to heal. In rare cases, severe complications such as infection, blood clots, or cardiac and pulmonary complications may occur, so it is very important to follow any post surgery instructions to avoid them.

The cost of this procedure can vary between USD$4,000 to as much as $25,000, depending on factors such as weight, age and general health condition. After a successful abdominoplasty, patients are expected to have firm and toned midsections, better posture and a more defined figure, which can give them a self-confidence boost. However, patients should also keep in mind that although the results are dramatically significant, they are not permanent and will require diet and exercise to maintain after the surgery.

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