Friday, August 24, 2012

Affiliate Marketing: 2 Ways To Start In Less Than 5 Minutes

Affiliate marketing continues to be a very good way to make money online. As a matter of fact it may be the best way for the average person to quickly get started.

One problem I see is people suffering from paralysis from analysis. Wikipedia defines that as over anlayizing something to the point that a decision or action is not taken.

Does that describe you? It shouldn't as getting started as an affiliate marketer is so simple my wife can do it and she is not an Internet marketer guru by any stretch of the imagination.

Here are 2 ways you can start in affiliate marketing and it should not take you more than 5 minutes.

1. Join as an affiliate. You get to chose a ClickBank I.D. which will be used to promote thousands of products.

Choose a category that interests you and start looking at products to promote. Clickbank will walk you thru the steps and it is very easy to get started with them.

The nice thing is you can market any product you want and use the website that comes with it. This means you do not need to build a website for now. You can take that challenge on later on down the road as you get more experience.

2. Start a blog at which is owned by Google. You can do this in 3 easy steps. Don't spend to much time looking for the right template as you can go back and change it.

Join Google Adsense which is Google's pay per click affiliate program. They offer tutorials on adding Adsense to your blog. It is very simple to do and you do not need to know HTML coding.

You make money by the click with this program. Get people to your blog, some will click on the ads, and you make money when they do.

3. Join a couple of discussion forums and start learning how to promote the affiliate programs you are now in. Making money online with affiliate products is no different than selling other things online.

You need a website with products and you need website visitors to sell to. Getting some free training is a smart thing to do. 2 very good ones are and

You can also join a membership site and get more in depth and personal training. This is for the serious affiliate marketer who wants to make a business out of affiliate markeeting. A really good one is

I have just showed you 2 ways to get started with affiliate marketing in less than 5 minutes. You also now know where to go to get additional training. The rest is up to you to take action and start making money as an affiliate marketer.

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