Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wholesale Blanks and More: How to Save Money When Back to School Shopping

When you have multiple school-age children, the back to school season can do a number on your wallet. Between the traditional pens, paper, notebooks, and other classroom essentials that your kids started on the right foot, you may also have to purchase some new back to school clothes for the kids as well. As they say, kids grow like weeds, and their tastes in clothing are constantly evolving as well. Maybe your daughter has outgrown that Hannah Montana tee, as she's moving on to middle school, or your son, who was once a size 8, is now a 14! Don't stress, money is tight for everyone these days, but you shouldn't have to cut back on back to school essentials because your funds are low. Here are a few money-saving back to school shopping tips:

-Instead of loading up the mini-van and heading out to the crowded malls and shopping centers, you should most definitely shop online for wholesale blanks. Blank shirts wholesale can allow you to get multiple items (ideal for large families) for much less. And the best part is, you don't have to drag around cranky children to crowded malls—you can get their input while shopping from home. Clothing blanks are really the ideal back to school wardrobe addition because they are extremely versatile, and they can never go out of style because they're graphic and logo free. So really, you can save yourself some money for next year, as you kids may still be wearing their wholesale blanks.

-If you're looking for good deals on school supplies, you should think outside the box. Sure the office supply store advertises these huge-blow out sales before the school season, but you have to think about the thousands of other people who are also seeing those ads, and are gearing up their families to hit the pavement and find the best deals. So if you have a specific list of items from a teacher, you shouldn't expect to find everything at a neighborhood office supply store, as they're probably going to be sold out of a lot of things. Instead, you should search for the hard-to-find items that are often sold-out every year like a specific model of calculator, or a certain type of binder. Often times, online retailers have better prices than traditional store fronts. And the best part is, you don't have to fight through hoards of other eager shoppers, you can do it all from home.

-Only shop for the essentials. If your kids already have perfectly good clothing or supplies, get them excited about using them. Over the past few years, a misconception has come about among kids that if they don't have new stuff for the school year, they're inadequate or they're left out. But you should teach your kids about the value of conserving. You don't really need to buy all new of everything, only the items that they're outgrown, don't have or have worn out.

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