Friday, May 10, 2013

What's Your Vibe

"Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true."

-Napolean Hill

I am continually asked the same question, "How can I get over this or change my life?" Okay people, listen up. Here it is. The single most important factor that will have the greatest impact on your life is....drum roll...Getting in control of your "thought life." There it is, now you know.

But, here's the deal: simply knowing about it isn't going to do a thing. Just like losing weight. We all KNOW HOW to lose weight, but knowing about it and doing nothing, won't lose a single pound off of your body.

It's the same with your thoughts, if you don't get in control of what you keep saying to yourself over and over and over and over again, your life will stay the same.

If you change your thoughts you will change your life!

I am going to try and explain the science behind this in its most simplistic form. It's called Quantum Physics and when researching this science, trust me your mind will spin. You will learn that everything is interconnected through what they call the Unified Field or Super Consciousness and on and on. But let's try and keep it simple.

Remember in school when you were taught about atoms, protons, neutrons etc. Well, everything you see, (and don't see, like sound, wind) even if it looks solid, it is made up of energy. And ALL of this energy vibrates at a certain rate. Some faster, some slower.

And guess what? Even your thoughts have a vibratory frequency! Now here's the best part, in the Law of Attraction, which is a real law by the way, just like the Law of Gravity. The Law of Attraction says, that you attract what you think about through your thoughts which in essence attracts like vibrations. Like attracts like.

So, thoughts of love, goodness, happiness, expecting good things, gratitude, hopefulness etc. all vibrate at a higher, faster frequency and you will attract similar experiences.

Likewise, thoughts of fear, jealousy, anger, worry, sadness etc. these limiting thoughts have a vibration that is slower and lower and you will attract equal experiences.

Now, your conscious mind, which is the part that decides what you are going to do, say and think feeds your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the part of your mind that you have control of!!!!!

And, your subconscious mind is involuntary, it will accept as true whatever you say or think and go about the business of making it real for you. Regardless of what you feed it, it will begin to create, as reality, what you keep telling it.

It is called manifestation. I know for some of you, you may not believe it but I can tell you this, there are hundreds of books written on this topic. (For those of you who are interested at the end of the blog I will list some I have read that I believe best help explain the science and Laws.)

I also know because I have lived these exact principles and I changed my life by changing what I kept saying to myself!

Now, it doesn't matter what you and your conscious mind choose to continue to say, this inner dialogue will show up as reality and will become exactly what you experience in life.

If you think about debt and not having enough money and you are always worrying and you are fearful, these kinds of thoughts vibrate at a very slow, dense frequency and as you put this out into the universe over and over again, you will attract it right back to you. You will create, more worry, more debt, more feelings of being fearful etc.

Or, if you say and think, over and over, I'm so sad, I can't move on, I'm so lonely, I feel horrible, I will never get over this, etc. how do you think these kinds of thoughts are going to create happiness, feeling good, feeling hopeful, having fun etc. We attract what we think about!

We think some 60,000 thoughts a day and guess what? Most of them go unnoticed. We just keep singing the same old tune in our heads and we keep getting the same old garbage showing up in our lives.

The best way to figure out what you are thinking and saying to yourself and to really become aware of this "thought life" so to speak, is to ask yourself this simple question, "How do I feel?" Good or Bad?

If you feel sad, lonely, fearful, depressed etc. Trust me you are thinking negative, limiting, depressing things.

Conversely, if you FEEL and THINK hopeful, happy, grateful, content, etc. You are feeding your mind the kinds of thoughts that are opposite of the fear, anger, sadness etc. and you are on the right "thinking path."

Most people don't realize that their thoughts create how they feel; they think it's the opposite, that their situation or circumstances create how they feel.

You have heard me say it a hundred times, it is not what happens to us in life that matters as much as how we choose to view what happens to us, how we choose to think about it or perceive it!

If you continually tell yourself, this is so bad, what am I going to do, why did this happen to me etc. How on earth do you think these kinds of thoughts are going to make you feel?

On the other hand, if you instead say, "This sucks but I will get over this and move on to a better life, I may not feel it now but I know it is true! Or, I can't believe this happened but it did, and every day, in every way I am getting stronger and I am a survivor, I will not let this destroy me. Etc. Or, I'm not the only person who has ever gone through this and just like others I will be a winner and I will not live in the past. I won't allow someone or some thing that didn't have my best interest at heart to bring me down."

The list of things you can say instead of what you do say goes on and on. The bottom line is when you really get in tune with your inner dialogue you will say, "No wonder I feel like crap, listen to myself!"

When you constantly put yourself down or whine and cry over what is in the past, you will attract more sadness, heartache, pain and less than desirable situations occurring in your world.

But, now that you know what to do, you can begin to create situations and attract better people in your life that will be there to help you down the path that you are creating through your very thoughts.

I wrote the book, The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You, because I am living proof that these Laws really do work. I live with an attitude of gratitude and so should everyone.

Trust me, when you start each day being thankful for what you do have in your life that is good, instead of being focused on what you don't have or what you are upset about, it puts a whole new spin on being appreciative. And, better yet, you attract more things to be grateful for, get it?!!!

What vibe do you think you are giving off?

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