Sunday, May 12, 2013

Want to Get Better Trades Here's How to Start

Copyright (c) 2010 John Howell

Let's say you're an investor. You've got a great portfolio, you diligently research a stock before you invest, and you're pretty good at knowing when you should bail out and sell. But, you're bored.

Your portfolio has plateaued and you don't see your current holdings going anywhere anytime soon. How do you find information on better trades?

Here are a few ways you can find information on better trades right now!

Online - The internet is literally bursting with investment information. In 2003, 20.4 million online accounts were allowing investors to trade online in their pj's. Today, it's easy to find information on better trades with the click of a button. Websites like The Motley Fool, Kiplingers, and The Street publish daily, even hourly information about stock trending, undervalued stocks, and how to make moves for better trades.

To get even more involved, you can also talk to other investors in online forums. While most investors prefer to keep their best trading secrets close to the vest, forums are a good place to pick up general tips for better trades that will point you in the right direction.

Other media - Newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and magazines like Kiplinger's Personal Finance are still great places to pick up info about better trades. Most of these publications have websites where you can learn more, but there's something to be said for traditional media.

Publications are also a good place to research stocks and get advice on little-known or on-the-cheap trades the folks on the internet are completely missing.

As far as television goes, cable news programs like Jim Cramer's Mad Money make getting information on better trades entertaining and informative. Besides, you're not going to check the 'net while you're running on the treadmill. TV is a great way to multitask and still get ahead.

Other investors - If you're looking for better trades through investing in products or services, why not just ask around.

Ask your neighbor what kind of coffee he or she drinks. Stocks like Caribou Coffee saw a dramatic rise last year through serious word of mouth.

Look around your office at the different computer equipment you own. Tech stocks are often a good place to grow your money.

Finally, talking with other investors you know - from your grandfather to the guy who sits in the cubical behind you - can often provide new ideas on better trades that you never even thought of.

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