Sunday, May 19, 2013

Vitmains Promote Healthy Skin

Some women spend thousands on beauty products every month to prevent or cure aging. The media are filled with advertisements of beautiful flawlessly airbrushed women promoting various products and choose only one seems almost impossible. However have you ever spend time thinking of all the benefits vitamins has on the skin? They are definitely worth a try.

You must remember that your skin is affected by what happens inside your body. You must feed it from the outside and the inside if you want to reap the most benefits.

You definately must include a wide variety of berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, along with colorful vegetables and fruits, since they are a great source of antioxidants. We all have free radicals roaming around in our bodies creating havoc with our skins, antioxidants will help eliminate this problem. Free radicals cause wrinkles in your skin by destroyhing your collagen and elastin fibers. If you'd prefer a double dose of antioxidants, add green tea to your eating plan as well, it's an amazing antioxidant!

If you love spending time in the sun then it's very important to increase your vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is a great anti-radical that protects you the sun's rays, that produce free radicals. One of the best vitamins to take is vitamin C. I recommend you take at least 1000 mg per day, and you can also eat more citrus fruits too!

One vitamin that works very closely with vitamin C is vitamin E, it's also a very strong antioxidant which helps prevent sun damage but most importantly, it reduces the effects of the sun on the cells as well as the creation of cancer cells. The 2 vitamins do not only complement one another, they also make it easier for the body to absorb. If taken together, they decrease your chances of ever getting skin cancer.

It's difficult to get adequate levels of Vitamin A from your diet, which is why it's important to also have a topical application. If you are vitamin A deficient you will have dry and flaky skin, but the moment you start to add more vitamin A to the mix, those symptoms will disappear and you'll notice lines and wrinkles softening.

You also want to increase your biotin levels, and a great way to do that is to consume rice, oatmeal, and bananas. Biotin is from the family of B vitamins and is the basis of hair, skin and nail cells.

There's no doubt about it, vitamins are important to keep your body healthy but also for a glowing, healthy skin!

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