Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Using Postcards As Invitations

Postcards have been around for generations, giving a glimpse of life at the beach, or some other tourist location as a way of marking where you've been in life. Businesses have found the value of postcards by using them to reach out to their customers and potential clients with information, pictures about their products and even as humorous attention getters to cause people to think of them or their products at some point in time in the future. But what does that actually mean a postcard is?

If you stop and look at the purpose of a postcard, the main purpose is as an invitation. It's an invitation to look at a product, it's an invitation to come to a booth or a place of business, it's an invitation to look at the card for whatever reason. The overall intent of a postcard seems to be as an invitation. So how do we get the most out of our invitations?

First off, think of what you want an invitation to say. What you're being invited to is the main function of a postcard. Whether it's an invitation to an event at a meeting hall or convention center or even just as an office visit, or simply inviting someone to look at a new product or service that is the main purpose of a postcard. Having that reason stand out, either on the "show" side or as the banner for the information side, letting people know what they're being invited to is of primary importance.

Next is the when. If the invitation is being used as the actual invitation, providing the date and time of the event is necessary. If you want to send a more formal invite with RSVP cards and custom fonts, postcards can be a great way to remind your guests to save the date.

However, if there isn't a specific time to be met, such as inviting a customer out for a test drive on a new car or to come by and peruse the new fall line-up of clothing, a postcard can still satisfy that "time" part of an invitation as well. This kind of encouragement enables the customer to still have that "event" type of presentation to them, and also have the open-ended time-frame that allows them to choose when to take advantage of your products or services.

Postcards are quite literally an easy invitation. Using postcards to reach out to potential clients or customers you haven't seen in a while can be quick and easy. Take advantage of the ease and affordability that postcards can give you the next time you need an invitation.

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