Saturday, May 4, 2013

Two Simple Tips To Cure Insomnia

When you have problems sleeping the search for insomnia cures can become all consuming. The strange thing is, that simply the fact of having sleeping problems can push you into a vicious circle, preventing you from finding that elusive cure for insomnia.

You worry about not being able to sleep - your worry feeds your imagination and your brain goes into overdrive.

Rather than preparing yourself for sleep you worry about not being able to sleep, and you can in your mind's eye see how you toss and turn ....

You fear that getting up in the morning will be difficult ....

You start figuring out how many hours sleep you have lost the last few nights ....

Has this ever happened to you?

If it has, then relax. You are not alone!

In fact, sleep experts says that one of the first casualties of sleeping problems is your ability to relax.

And not being able to relax makes it doubly hard to prime your body for sleep. Most of us - well just about all of us! - cannot fall asleep straight away. Yes, it is true that there are people that find it really easy to fall asleep, as compared to those that toss and turn for hours before finally dropping off.

Those lucky people have the ability to unwind themselves in the evening, to slow down their minds and their bodies, calming their thoughts and relaxing their muscles.

Sadly most of us need to learn how to do this sincde we cannot do it naturally.

The good news is, that this is perfectly possible for you to learn. It can be done immediately and it's not complicated.

Here is a basic insomnia cure, sometimes these two tips might be all you need:

+ Stay off coffee or alcohol before bedtime, and try to get into a habit of gradually easing into sleep mode every evening, planning tomorrow. Getting into bed you won't be thinking about tomorrow, worrying about bills or shopping - it has already been taken care of!

Keep regular habits at bedtime, try to go to bed and to get up at the same hour. You cannot save sleep in advance, but on the other hand you can easily catch up on the hours of sleep missing. This means, that if you wake up really tired you still get up and don't nap during the day, and you will fall asleep come night time.

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