Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Many Advatages of Suzuki Violin Lessons

The Suzuki violin method of teaching has been in existence for a number of years now. It is still the preferred method of many teachers in educating children about how to play the violin.

He modeled this method after the mother tongue philosophy after he noticed that young children have ease in learning the language they grew up with. Students of the Suzuki violin method as young as two years old are made to listen to a musical piece everyday.

The student will then attempt to play the music from memory and by ear until he got it perfectly. Unlike the traditional method which focuses on note reading, the Suzuki develops the child to learn how to play first before learning how to read notes. The Suzuki method was first introduced in Japan, but now enjoys popularity in both the Pacific and in Europe.

Now it is being widely used around the globe. Only those parents who have not been informed of the many benefits of the Suzuki method still prefer the traditional method for their children.

A lot of music professionals claim that the Suzuki method has produced musical geniuses who were taught with this violin teaching approach as children. Though there are also those who negate this claim, a lot of violin instructors say the effects are definitely astounding.

Students who study under the Suzuki method are always playing with a group. This way, the children would feel that learning is like playing rather than working. During the first few days, students observe how violinists play so they have an idea how to proceed on their own.

They also learn to cooperate with each other to further develop their skill and interest. This social interaction makes the classes amusing, and thus eliminates competition among participants. Aside from the teacher's continued supervision, the parent's participation is also required.

After learning in school, the student takes home the lesson to play more. The parent must supervise the child while practicing. The parents are also encouraged to give freely of praises where it is due to properly motivate the child. This not only accelerates the learning process, a more harmonious relationship is also developed between the child and the parents.

The Suzuki method does not allow any negative comments or influences towards the child's playing. This is to encourage the child to excel and learn the instrument with optimism.

Though the focus of this learning approach is for children, the Suzuki method can also be applied to people of all ages who want to learn the violin. The key here is developing an ear for music which will aid you in determining and copying something you just heard.

This is truly helpful when you want to improvise music on your own; you can add some twist to an already existing musical piece and make it sound more like you. With all the benefits it brings, it's truly enjoyable learning the violin—the Suzuki way!

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