Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Simple Strategies For Running

Today, our lives are full of stress, bad news, distractions, long work hours, junk food. And it takes a toll on our bodies, making us feel fatigued and totally depressed. A great way to ease all this tension and stress is to run. But, many people are scared to run, especially those who have never ran before. But, running is a great way to improve your health and get you into shape. But, if you start slowly, and make incremental changes, running can be your greatest key to getting into outstanding shape.

You should always have a plan; no matter what it you're attempting to do. A plan will guide you whereas jumping in at the deep end might just cause you to end up quitting. If you follow a few beginners' tips, soon you'll be running your first mini marathon!

Start by finding yourself a running partner, this shouldn't be too difficult because many people have New Year's resolutions which include taking part in some sort of sporting activity. Ask around in your group of friends or at work.

Make sure you always start very slowing so you don't pull any muscles or get hurt. If you are very unfit, walk for the first week and then progress to a brisk walk. Slowly build up to a steady jog and eventually run at a pace that's comfortable for you. Remember to drink enough water, or you will become dehydrated.

A great place to start your running sessions is a park or at the beach. The worst part about running on the sidewalk is that you will inhale all the car fumes. One of the best things about running in the park or at the beach is the soft surface. The soft surface will save your joints, keeping you injury free. The surroundings will most probably be more beautiful compared to running next to a busy road, so you will enjoy your running session much more.

Before you start any type of exercise, you must warm up your muscles or you will suffer the consequences later. Start with a good set of stretching exercises, paying attention to all the muscles in your legs and do some arm stretches and roll your neck a few times. You will want to be sure you are totally warmed up before you start your running. When you reach the end of your session, do the same stretches again to cool down. Don't make the same mistake as many other beginners and skip the warm-up and cool-down all together!

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