Friday, May 17, 2013

Shaping Up For An Impressive Upper Body

You can achieve the best from your workouts by staying focused on you form, on the kind of technique that you are using, and by adding a little more weight to your work out routine, each time you go for a new workout session. Make sure that your gym workouts are consistent on a daily basis. Work hard. But don't over do it. Stay single-mindedly dedicated, committed, determined and focused towards your goal of quickly building a substantial upper body.

The best part of upper body work outs, is that you can decide if you want to tone it using a machines, barbells or dumbbells, or without them. It is always a recommended best practice to see to it that any work out session begins with sufficient warm ups and stretching exercises. This is especially applicable before performing any exercises involving weight lifting and before doing chest workouts, which generally involve very heavy weights. Never ever try and get into heavy weight lifting or resistance exercises or heavy and exerting cardio work outs, while still in cold muscles that have not been warmed up or stretched.

Your warm up sessions must mainly look at performing 10 to 15 minutes of light cardio, to warm the target muscles. This is to be followed by another 10 to 15 minutes of stretching exercises to ensure that all the target muscles are fully oxygenized and that the desired target muscles experience free and unobstructed blood circulation. Ensure that you drink adequate quantities of water in between reps as well as liquids rich in nutrients. If any of the work outs seem to be exhausting you a little too much, do not force yourself. You can always continue another day, when you are feeling more energetic.

If you plan to work out in the gym, there are a variety of ways to achieve upper body toning, including using machines, dumbbells, barbells, bars, free weights, cables and pulleys etc. You can do a combination of chest or shoulder presses, shrugs, and rowing exercises to achieve total upper body toning.

Dead lifts are an excellent method of working out anything and everything between your fingers, and neck and all the way down until your toes. Doing your push ups on one hand at a time, while keeping your other hand behind your back is also a great way to increase the endurance of your upper body muscles.

Always opt for upper body muscle training programs that make your train your larger muscles before you train for your smaller muscles. So, steer clear of those work-out programs that have you train your biceps before you train your back or chest muscles for instance. This is because, following such a haphazard work out regimen will crush the strength of you smaller muscles much before you can even think of getting started with the larger muscles. How can you do a chest press for instance, if you feel that your biceps and triceps have already given it up for the day?

Again steer clear of work outs that crush the same muscle groups over and over again. For example you do a chest press and then immediately follow it up with push ups. This way you will ensure that your chest and arms are already too tired with the chest press to be able to take on your body weight for any kind of push-ups. So stay away from that. Look for some variety, whereby you do one set of exercises, and that set of muscles have time to rest before, while you are doing another set of exercises that does not make high use of the muscles that were just exercised in the preceding set of exercises. This way you save up on a lot of energy and stamina to do more exercises.

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