Friday, May 10, 2013

Postcard Marketing Tips for People in the Real Estate Business

Copyright (c) 2010 Luie De Von

Real estate agents are constantly looking for marketing techniques that will allow them to promote the real estate properties they sell out. They often steer clear from conventional and expensive advertising tools like sign boards, streamers and TV and radio commercials. Instead they prefer using effective yet cheap media that will allow them to increase the awareness and interest of people on the real estate properties they offer in the market.

Postcard marketing is one effective marketing tool many real estate agents are using nowadays. This is a very versatile marketing technique since postcard production and distribution requires relatively small financial and time investment. Not only that. Postcard advertising can generate positive results for real estate agencies in a matter of weeks, and even days. This is why most real estate agents and companies are using postcards to advertise their businesses and properties.

Now, what are some creative ideas that real estate agents can incorporate in their postcard marketing campaigns? Below are four of them.

Postcard Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents

1.Use Testimonials. Real estate agencies can use postcard advertising campaigns that highlight client success. They can do this by simply gathering testimonials, pictures, and profiles of previous clients who were able to find their dream homes through the services of their dependable real estate agents The accounts of satisfied clients will definitely convince buyers to try out the products and services offered by these agencies.

Postcards can also be used by real estate firms to let their clients know how credible their company and employees are. Aside from using testimonials, they can also incorporate tables and charts in their postcards that will show the general satisfaction rate of their clients. In so doing, they can present their agencies as reliable and trustworthy firms that interested parties can easily contact in case they want to buy new homes.

2.Employ Postcard to Website Marketing Initiatives. Real estate agents and companies can also use postcards to generate traffic to their websites. To do this, they simply need to capture screen shots of their respective home pages and list down their URL's in the postcards they intend to distribute to their target clients. They can also use bullet points of the online services they offer. This way, they can encourage their target clients to regularly visit their web pages for home listing, for redeeming special offers or discounts and even for signing up for mailing lists.

3.Use Unique Designs and Messages that Target a Specific Audience. People in the real estate business can also use postcards that contain attractive designs and direct to the point messages that will surely appeal to their target clients. How can they do this?

They simply need to think about the needs, concerns and aspirations of their target clients. For example, if they want to encourage professionals who live on the bad side of the town to buy the properties they offer, then they must come up with postcards that motivate these professionals to upgrade their dwellings and to transfer to better and more pleasant communities within their cities or states.

4.Try out something different. Since most real estate agencies offer the same services and online features, then real estate agents must think of new and fresh ideas that they can incorporate in their postcards. .

For example, they can provide downloadable guides to buying or selling different types of real estate properties. They can also offer to update their home listing every week. And they can even place articles and tips or pointers on their web pages which can help their clients in choosing the right real estate property. By highlighting these new services and information in their postcard advertising campaigns, for sure real estate agencies can expect a dramatic increase, not only in the number of their clients but also in their sales and revenues for the whole year.

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