Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ovarian Cysts: The Causes and How to Get Rid Of Them

Diseases have become a common part of our lives these days. In the past few years, people have been plagued by ailments. But science already has devised cures for them.

Ovarian cysts affect both males and females. Even a light walk for 10 minutes can prohibit the growth of these cysts. It is also quite useful in removing the stress that can stretch up the stomach muscles which increases the pain. Such cysts have a viscous liquid in them. They also have sweat glands, bone tissues and teeth. Such cysts can have the size of two to 5 inches. Since such cysts do not have any symptoms, it is tough to find out about their presence. They can cause extreme pain when they twist inside the pelvic area of a female. If they break inside the abdomen, they can also cause pain

Dermoid cysts can produce an increase in the size of ovaries. So, they can be found clearly when examining the pelvic area. Such cysts can also disappear on their own. They can be produced in women who are passing through their productive ages.

One should go to a doctor as soon as he develops them. Surgery is the only way to get these cysts removed. The cure of these cysts depends on their cause. But, when the cysts are not malignant, it's not compulsory to undergo a surgery. It's because surgery can't eliminate the causes of these cysts. Even consuming birth control pills can help in removing these cysts from the body. But, their consumption can be injurious to health. On the other hand, a natural cure for these cysts can also help one on handling stress and having a cleaner body. It's because such a cure will purge the toxins from the body. It will make sure that the cysts will never return again. Such cure can also eliminate the pain of such cysts. One way is to do a curl up with the application of a heating pad. Victims of such cysts should not sport tight jeans which can exacerbate their situation by causing more pain.

Make sure that you do not overeat as it can produce constipation, which can result in more pain. You should have cereals and whole grain breads in your diet. There should also be not any fried stuff in the diet. Even beans and cabbage in the diet can also lead to pain. It is because these substances produce gas. It is better to stay curled up on a heating pad for some time to remove the pain. It is better to add white fiber to the diet to get rid of such cysts. Apart from that, surgery also cures cysts. It ensures that you cannot get such cysts again provided you go to doctors for regular examinations to see no scar tissues are left. In addition, it is possible to get pregnant after surgery. It includes making cuts in the belly button to remove the cysts.

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