Friday, May 10, 2013

OCD Symptoms

OCD Symptoms are hard for people to grasp due to people feeling as though there is something mentally wrong with them as the result of what they feel. Most of the people I deal with feel as though they are going to lose their minds and if you've never suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, you likely have no idea what I mean and in all honesty, you really don't want to.

When OCD symptoms come to make your life difficult one of the best actions that you can take is to remind yourself that what you are feeling is symptoms of deeply routed anxiety and that it is not cause for fear. The Bible has many verses that tell you that you should not fear, so fear not!

Some of the OCD symptoms that I am talking about are when you get that feeling out of nowhere that you need to do something that doesn't really make that much sense to most people. An example of this could be when you are leaving your house and you feel a strong need to touch the door knob again and you're not quite sure why.

If you give in to these OCD symptoms you are going to make Obsessive Compulsive Disorder stronger in your life. On the other hand, if you don't submit then you are going to be weakening the OCD. You understand, it's as if all of use have a voice in our mind that we can converse with internally, whether or not we are afflicted with OCD.

The Secret is learning how to change the inner dialogue that goes on inside your head. It is a known fact that if you have a lot of stress you probably have an inner conflict going on inside your head where you want to do something but on the outside you are doing another. OCD symptoms can show up like this very feeling sometimes.

If you really want to get your OCD symptoms under control, you are going to need to have more discipline with yourself. The problem today is that people are being trained by media to seek out quick cures and unfortunately these simply make it worse in the long term.

I want you to think about the tortoise and the hare. The people who look for quick fixes represent the hare. The people who exercise discipline with themselves and do not give in when their OCD symptoms pop up represent the tortoise. Who won that race anyway? Consider this possibility, when life gets harder, you need to become a stronger person. You need to look at yourself daily and ask, where could I be stricter with myself?

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