Friday, May 3, 2013

Music To Our Ears

We all love music. Whether it is a love of heavy metal or years of classical training, most people have some sort of relationship with music. Music plays a part in our everyday lives, without even trying to, we probably listen to more pieces of music every day that we can even count. But have we ever stopped to really evaluate what our music habits may be doing to our ears.

Live Music

Gigs and big arena concerts can be a danger to the ear drums of musician's staff members and listeners alike. Firstly the stars on stage, they need to be able to hear themselves or their instruments whilst blocking out any unwanted sounds. Variable nose reductions ear plugs are worth investment for this. When organising a big tour, the crew need protection from the music, however they also need to be able to hear their colleagues through the use of two way radios. Noise reduction adapters for two way radios are the best things for this. Staff members at bars and venues where live music is regularly played should be provided with ear plugs due to the regular exposure to high decibels. Standard reusable ones should fulfil this purpose. Screaming fans also owe it to themselves to protect their ears from damage as they follow their favourite band across the country. Listening to very loud live music is listed as one of the noise inducing factors that could cause hearing impairme! nts such as tinnitus. Investing in hearing protection can work to prevent this.


IPods and MP3 players seem to be permanent fixtures to the ears of nation. We've got our headphones plugged in when we travel, exercise, walk the dog and more. Whilst this is a great way to pass the time, it has long been thought that listening to music at high volumes through earphones may be damaging to our hearing. Most audiologist that supply hearing protection will offer a service that creates custom made ear moulds to fit both your ears and your headphones. They work to optimise sound quality and improve sound quality at lower levels. This allows you to listen to your music at lower levels whilst without losing quality. Not only this but they provide a snug fit so they won't fall out when your feeling the burn on the treadmill. If you consider yourself to be an avid iPod user, ear protection may be something for you to look into.

Most older pop stars today have suffered hearing loss due to the points outlined above and a lot of them have hearing aids to combat this. Due to the ever advancing technology these hearing aids are virtually invisible to the naked eye.

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