Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Is the HCG Diet For You

There is a new diet that has many people talking. With this diet, people have been able to loose rapid amounts of weight in very little time, and keep it off. It is called the HCG diet. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone that is naturally found in pregnant women. This hormone also, almost completely controls the metabolic functions.

Why does this diet work? People loose more fat tissue directly from adipose tissue accumulations rather then lean muscle. Because of this, the weight lost comes directly from unhealthy fat and does not strip the body of muscle, minerals, or vitamins. In a nut shell, the HCG hormone puts of layer of protection around the good fat cells, and excretes bad fat cells. It consumes stored fat instead of muscle and water. It also tricks the body into believing that it is getting more calories then it actually is, and resets a persons metabolism. This is why many people who have done the HCG diet do not gain the weight back.

Before beginning this diet it is recommended that people use a cleanser. This just helps achieve a persons highest level of weight loss, but it is not required to do this diet. There are 4 steps or phases that people refer to during the diet. The HCG diet can be done in 21 days, or 40 days, depending on each persons weight loose goals. They can also receive the HCG hormones thru an injection, or thru oral drops. The injections are 125iu's -175iu's. This needs to be done at the same time everyday. Preferably in the morning. With the drops, a person takes 10 drops three times a day. Do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes after taking drops. Again, try to take the drops at the same time every day. A good time is before breakfast, lunch, and supper.

Phase one is known as the loading days or gorging days. During this stage a person will consume very high fat foods and basically gorge for two days. While doing this, they also need to have started their HCG injections or drops. What this does, is alert the body of the extra calories that need to be burned and help relieve any hunger pains that may be present during the first week of the diet.

Phase two starts on day three of the diet. This is where you drop your caloric intake down to 500 calories a day. This is very specific on what can, and can not be eaten. Dr. Simeons book "Pounds and Inches" goes over in great detail the specifics of what to eat, and what to avoid. Follow this diet for the amount of time that was chosen to do the diet. Either 21 days or 40 days. During this phase dieters should expect to loose 1-2 lbs a day. During the first week a person could expect to loose anywhere from 7-10lbs. Continue to take your HCG injections or drops for the full 21 or 40 days. After you are finished with your HCG doses, continue with the 500 calorie diet for three more days.

Phase three is the maintance phase. This is a continuation of phase two, except the calorie restrictions are lightened. The dieter can very slowly introduce sugars and starches back into their diet. Although it is recommended that they do not eat them often. This phase is very important to recalibrating your body's weight set point. If a person goes 2lbs above what their ending weight for phase two was, then they need to do what is called a "steak day". This is one big meal of steak in the evening. This phase runs for three weeks.

Phase 4 is the last phase of the diet. It is the remainder of a persons life. During the HCG diet. People have adjusting their eating habits as well as making lifestyle changes. Because of this, many people who have used the HCG diet have not gained the weight back after they are finished with the diet.

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