Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How Easy Is It To Create World Class Brochures That Bring You Business

A high quality brochure represents a high quality company made up of high quality people. As an Ambassador a well designed brochure will make all the difference in minds of potential customers in your business. That also can keep your cash register going.

That's the reason why text on your brochure needs to be very well written, free of errors, spelling mistakes, grammar or composition with enough free room around it to make it easy on the eye. The text has to be in powerful strong words suggesting trust and value.

In other words copywriting is critical when designing a brochure. Though it should be light and positive, lifting the advantage of your product in an easy conversational style, its benefits should engross readers to keep reading. Elevator speeches DO NOT work! Rather than attracting potential customers, they drive them away, so be very careful.

Which also means proofreading and editing is critical to high quality design.

But Is it easy to do so? The answer is yes!

The answer is in simplicity and style, is in less not more, the answer is hidden in your collatoral and printed material floating around in your office for months or even years. You have to simply put it all together by an easy process defined later in this article. This is how:

Collect and collate all printed material that you believe is relevant, sift and keep pages that make sense, reject others. Sift again, continue this process till you are satisfied you have enough material. Scan sifted pages in a scanner and save in PDF or tif formats (i.e. image format).Have a quick browse again to check if scanning was ok, quality of images is good and visible to naked eye.

Here's the best part of a simple process.

Search for an online solution that allows you to convert and edit scanned pages online 24x7, you will find heaps of sites when you search. As soon as you upload your scanned documents on these sites you get back editable versions straightaway. Select one site thats right for you, upload scanned files and get them back in editable format. Sift through the text now. Start deleting text that makes lesser sense. Sift again and keep deleting. Repeat the process untill you have deleted almost 95% of the text.

Left with handful of text, next step is to edit and fine tune brochure copy. You must take help of other copy writers to check and cross check your copy here, do not ignore this point .

That's how easy it is to create world class copy for your world class brochure. However you need to be very careful in selecting an online site. Do not get this wrong. Internet is full of good and bad sites, it is critical you select good site only.

But which one is good?

A ballpark way is to check if its paid or a Free site. Paid is better than free in more ways than one, e.g. high quality help, or you talk to a human if you are stuck, provide safe and secure environment to work online, few cents a page may not be expensive at all. While Free services are often not free from viruses, piracies, phishing rampant on net these days, expose you to all evil if you are not careful. Thats why paid sites are a preference for high quality outcomes you wouldn't want to risk with free sites.

So if you have to make a decision based on whether to pay or not to pay, which one would you take?

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