Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Free Internet Marketing For Your Website

There is plenty of free Internet marketing available for your website if you want to take the time to understand how to use it. As with any Internet marketing tool promoting with free methods is only as good as how you implement them.

This is the biggest problem that Internet marketers face. Having a website with no traffic is like not having a website at all. You need to find ways to promote it on a consistent basis.

That actually is another big key. ou need to be consistent in your advertising and marketing strategies. If you stick with something long enough eventually you will figure out how to use it or you move on to something else.

1. Search engine optimization is an excellent long term strategy. This is based around targeting keyword phrases in everything you do. Targeting the right keyword phrases can help you rank highly on search engines and bring you a lot of traffic that doesn't cost anything.

2. Trade links with other website owners. This does not mean you have to do a reciprocal link directory.

However you can trade links with websites that are similar to yours by placing their link on your webpage and then having them place yours on theirs. This can be a good a source of traffic and a quality backlink.

3. Start a blog and social bookmark your blog post. You can start a free blog at They are owned by Google and it is very easy to set up a blog.

Use a bookmarking service such as Social Marker to get your blog articles out on the Internet. A service like this will speed things up and get you a lot of good back links in social directories. You can also just manually bookmarked the blog post by adding the icons to your blog provided by blogger.

4. Join Facebook and Twitter. These are the two largest social networking sites and can be an excellent source of traffic. If you enjoy hanging out with people online this is a good way to market your website for free.

5. Write in submit articles to the top article directories. This doesn't cost anything to do except the time it takes you to write the articles. Be sure and submit them to the top article directories for potential traffic and where a search engine can find them.

These are a handful of very good free Internet marketing sources for your website. Expect to spend manual labor time as opposed to money out of your pocket. As you begin to make money you can reinvest some of that back into your business up automate some of these free strategies.

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