Monday, May 13, 2013

Five Quick Tips to Stop Smoking

Planning to give up smoking is hard, but if you study enough methods beforehand, you'll definitely accomplish your goal. Here you'll find five quick tips that should be extremely beneficial in your process of stopping smoking.

Tip #1: List all of your reasons for wanting to quit.

You obviously have many reasons for looking to quit. Bring all of them to mind. It may be your health, it could be saving all the money that cigarettes cost, or it could be looking to set a good example for your children. Whatever the reasons may be, obtain a good image of them in your mind, one that you can return to when you want a cigarette later on. A lot of people find it helpful to write them down and keep a list handy for later on.

Tip #2: Choose a day to stop.

Choosing a date is usually a powerful method to keep your commitment to yourself. Pick a date that provides you time to get ready for your life after smoking, but one that is close enough that you will not give yourself the chance to back out. The closer it is, the more you will be able to use your current motivation on that day. Just make sure you pick a day and stick to it.

Tip #3: Plan new activities to replace smoking.

Most of the reasons that people fall back into smoking have to do with it being a habit. They smoke at the bar, or with their daily coffee, or on breaks from work. You are going to need to create a new habit to take the place of when you used to smoke. Something active and physical is especially useful here. What about daily walks with a friend, or even a new sport?

Tip #4: Consider the use of nicotine replacement therapy.

A lot of people find that they are helped greatly in quitting smoking by the use of nicotine replacement therapy. This is the practice of taking a form of nicotine medicine to calm your cravings for a cigarette, and then slowly stepping down the levels of nicotine that you're receiving until you no longer require any nicotine at all. This helps reduce your addiction and can greatly increase your control over cravings while making your success much more likely.

Tip #5: Reward yourself!

One great side advantage of quitting smoking is that you'll be saving a ton of money. Cigarettes are not cheap and you're probably smoking at least some every day. Why not collect all the money you save from no longer buying cigarettes and buy yourself something you've really been wanting? It's essential to reward yourself to give you the positive mindset to keep going in your journey to quit smoking!

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