Thursday, May 9, 2013

Exercise and Kids

If you look at children on the playground at schools you'll notice many of them are overweight or obese. This is at least one reason it's important to introduce children to exercise at an early age. They will lose excess weight but more importantly they will make friends, have fun, learn new things, excel in sport and grow up to be healthy, active adults.

Swimming is a very good exercise option for your kids. If you have a pool at home and you are constantly worried about your children falling in when you aren't around - change the situation! Let your children attend swimming lessons. They will have a lot of fun and in a few month's time you won't have to worry about them anymore - if they were to accidentally fall into the pool, they'll just swim to the side!

If you have a dog this is a perfect opportunity for you to get some exercise by taking your dog for a walk! Gather the whole family, put the dog on his leash and off you go! You will have a tremendously great time talking and laughing as you get home feelilng much more relaxed and stress free!

If your kids enjoy watching a specific sport like soccer, buy them a soccer ball and encourage them to play and practice the sport with friends. It might start out a game in the backyard and develop into a hobby that they become passionate about. There are many different types of sport they can enjoy in the safety of your backyard.

When your children reach a certain age they will be allowed to join you at the local gym, you will need to guide them to ensure they don't get hurt. The fact that you can do this together is great, you don't want a child to become obsessed with their weight or being active - but to rather motivate them by doing things together, show it's a fun activity to do together and stay healthy at the same time. Doing things together shows your children that you enjoy their company, and they are important to you.

If you motivate your children to be active and involved with sport you are doing something great for their health but they will also be making many new friends which will affect them positively on an emotional level. Let your children express themselves freely about any sport they want. You do not want to make them do something that they scares them or they are not interested in.

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