Friday, May 17, 2013

Doomsday and 2012

There are many doomsday and 2012 predictions. Some of these you have to take with a grain of salt. Christians have held on to the belief that the Armageddon is fast approaching, and this time it is for December 12 of 2012.

There are people who believe that the world is going to come to an end on this date from nuclear holocaust, scientific experiments to create antimatter, or the release of some pandemic super virus that is going to wipe out all human life as we know it.

Others feel that it is going to happen because of the alignment of the planets, solar flares ripping away the ozone layer or the atmosphere itself.

With all of the doomsday and 2012 predictions for the end of the world, it seems pretty hopeless.

So many people are freaked out that they are building or buying underground bunkers to protect their families and friends from the destruction, hoping to ride it out and emerge as one of the few survivors to recreate the human race.

So many companies are springing up to build for these scared people, real estate agents that specialize in the selling of old bomb shelters or missile silos.

Other companies specialize in making 'safe' and 'secure' underground shelters, with self contained ventilation systems, and storage capacity for years.

Other companies that sell emergency supplies, radios, food rations, water and goods storage containers, are raking in the dollars because of fear.

This doesn't mean that the world won't come to an end in 2012. There is the Mayan calendar, which ends on that doomsday date, and other evidence that there will indeed be some kind of world wide changes.

However, nowhere does the Mayan calendar actually say that the world will end, just that the calendar itself ends on that date. With as great a civilization the Mayan people were, they probably thought they would still be around this long.

It could very well be that they just didn't think that this far ahead. Nowhere does the bible say what exact date that Armageddon will come either, and while Nostradamus has made predictions about doomsday and 2012, some of his predictions about the future of the world have come true, and others not.

The truth of the matter is that no matter what you believe about doomsday and 2012, we will just have to wait and see what happens.

While many are scrambling to get prepared for the end of the world as we know it, do these people really think that they will survive? Chances are, in the worst case scenario, that all these people who are hunkering down in their underground bunkers have really just set up their own private crematorium.

If the world is going to explode, or rip apart, or get sucked into a black hole, do you really think it will matter where you are, or how 'protected' you may feel?

Hopefully, this is all just a bunch of hype, and will go by the wayside as fear, just like it did when it changed over to a new millennium.

There were many that were afraid that the world would come to an end ten years ago, that the economy would collapse because all the technology would be able to deal with the calendars turning to zero and all of that. Some were even so freaked out by it that they took their own lives rather than face these possibilities

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