Monday, May 13, 2013

Don't Go It Alone - How To Buy A Business For Sale.

The stock market has been up and down so much that we've started to think about its long-term viability for our retirement portfolio, at the same time as we question the value of our home as our greatest asset and look at alternatives. Adventurous investors might consider the purchase of a business for sale, an intriguing idea. Those consultants and investment advisers might tell you that this is one of your riskier investments, but if you feel that you are skilled or experienced in a certain area, you should go ahead. Just make sure that you have a lot of competent professionals to help you and that your process of due diligence is professional and proficient. You will certainly enjoy a significant return on investment if all goes according to plan.

While some entrepreneurs are certainly capable of buying any number of businesses and entrusting their care to general managers or appointed executives, the majority of entrepreneurs can be classified as "hands on." They know how important it is to understand what makes the business "tick" and are not afraid to get their hands dirty while looking after even the most menial of tasks, if need be. You will certainly not want to take on the pleasure of owning a new business, just to be saddled with 60 to 70 hour work weeks, but you must realize that it will take more than a small share of your time and attention. Buy a business for sale only if you have a real interest in its field. You simply cannot afford to lose interest, just because you are somewhat passive about the products or services sold there.

Don't go it alone when contemplating whether to buy business assets. Whether you buy the business or not, you must be willing to put aside a certain amount of funding to move the process forward and some of these funds should be allocated to your advisors. Seek out an accountant skilled in the particular line of business in question and one who is proficient in tax matters. You should have an attorney who is used to dealing with contract law and you should also be willing to pay for an independent business valuation. In all cases, it's more than advisable to seek out competent professionals who engage in business in, or very near to, the target locality. They will be aware of certain facts, figures, trends or other unquantifiable details, some of which may seem to be petty, but may well turn out to be critical when viewed alongside a raft of other information. Remember that while hard facts and figures will allow you to form the basis of an informed decision, you may well co! me across other essential pieces of information from your local advisors, which can often help to sway you in one direction or another. Don't be tempted to go it alone when considering a business purchase, as funds invested now could turn out to be money well spent, in the event of losses caused by "unforeseen circumstances" down the road.

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