Saturday, May 18, 2013

cichlid fish info

This info is about the history and evolution of the Family Cichlidae. The Family Cichlidae is a large grouping of fish that have managed to evolve in all different types of conditions. The many species and sub species can be found in all sorts of different shapes and colors.

Information on the diversity of cichlids is well documented and categorized so I thought I would share some of this with you. It may help you in your decision , when it comes to buying your cichlids and tank setup.

Cichlid Info - Sub Groups

Aquarium enthusiasts normally separate the cichlid types into 3 primary groups which are African cichlids, Central together with Northern American cichlids and South American cichlids. The largest cichlid kinds may achieve the size of 50 to 100 centimeters. This is huge when compared to smallest cichlid the Dwarf cichlid fish inside the Apistrogramma group which under no circumstances develops larger than 3 centimeters.

These types of little cichlids would in fact benefit from a bigger aquarium, asso it is much easier for the aquarist to maintain the water top quality inside a huge aquarium tank with lots of water. An additional fascinating fact is that cichlid fish possess teeth both in the top and the lower jaw as well as in the throat!

Cichlid Info - Common Species

A listing of the most popular cichlid varieties would look something like this



*Jack Dempsey




Cichlid fish are a member of the order Perciformes that have 2 pharyngeal bones in the formation of a triangle in the throat. The bottom section on some cichlid fish has been known to have teeth. Cichlids are categorized like second division fresh water fish.

This info tells us the actual ancestor of the modern cichlid fish had been marine fish. In the course of history they've occupied and also in some manner effectively adapted to the fresh drinking water surroundings.

Just about all cichlid fish tend to be egg layers and can be put in two typical categories regarding their reproduction techniques. A single group can brood their eggs within their mouths, generally executed by way of the female. Another group may possibly lay their very own eggs on some kind of substrate such as a rock, some timber and even around the sand. A few kinds will probably abandon their hatchlings on birth yet others may possibly nurture their young for months and then abandon them.

Cichlid fish are found in many exotic as well as subtropical locations around the globe. They come from

*The Southern area of Texas

*South and Central America

*Northern Argentina

*Southern Uruguay

*Caribbean Islands




*Southern Iran



*Sri Lanka


There is now documented information declaring 2000 different types of fish that are recognized and identified by man, with a lot of researchers believing there may be equally as many that still need to be identified. They continue to be identified at a growing rate. There are a minimum of 20 new varieties identified annually.

Cichlid Info - Cichlids as Food or Game Fish

Cichlids are mostly little to medium sized fish. They get huge enough that in some places they are farmed for human consumption and is even used in sports fishing. Fishing for cichlids is fairly common place in Central America and South America.

The North African Tilapiine is a fast growing robust kind fish that has plenty of flesh and is popular for farming all throughout Asia. About 1,500,000 tones of tilapia are farmed every single year with a value of US $2 billion. As they only feed on vegetation and algae these fish are favored for farming due to the feeding cost being very low.

The Peacock Bass is a cichlid that was introduced to American waters solely to accommodate sports fisherman and is particularly well liked even in sports fishing competition. This activity also raises large revenue and is worth over US $8 million dollars a year.

Cichlid fish initially grew to become fashionable aquarium fish in 1945. Aquarium lovers discovered the group ideal for household fish tanks due to their sizing and because they are straight forward to feed and also breed easily, taking care of their personal brood even in captivity.

Many reasons exist for with regards to popularity. Generally it's for their spectacular physical appearance, unusual temperament and that they are very easy to look after and maintain.

Cichlid Info - Hybrid Breeding Methods

Some cichlids readily breed with related species, both in artificial setups as well as in the wild. Man has exploited this reality and bred a strain of tilapia, for example, that grows quite rapidly and is quite inexpensive to feed. A way of controlling the stock and commonly used today is breeding an all male population.

An additional nicely acknowledged hybrid is the blood parrot cichlid is a blend of Amphilophus and numerous other cichlids. Its mouth is shaped like a beak, occasionally recognized as the Love Heart cichlid. The Flower Horn Cichlid is one more hybrid sort that is particularly well known in Asia. This particular fish is kknown for bringing good luck to its owner.

There is info about extensive experimenting with





*Jack Dempsey


This experimenting has brought many changes to the fish's appearance ranging from color and pigmentation to size and shape. This has also ended up causing troubles with the health of some of these kinds. This experimentation has also led to the wonderfully colored types we see today.

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