Saturday, May 11, 2013

Baby Shower History

The Baby Shower is one of the first of many celebrations to take place to mark the arrival of a new baby boy or girl. It is a popular custom in the United States and is becoming an increasingly more well-known celebration in other countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom.

The celebration of birth can be traced back many hundreds of years. According to historians, the origins can be traced as far back as Roman or Egyptian times. The gathering which takes place today is very different to the one which occurred back then.

The first noticeable difference is the timing of the event. Traditionally, baby showers took place after the birth of a baby, usually at around one month of age. The newborn baby would be introduced to all the mothers friends and family and people would bring gifts, often handmade items such as clothing, blankets and even some food items for the new mother. Nowadays, a baby shower party takes place approximately one month before the baby is born. The gathering now usually includes the playing of games, food and drink and the receiving of gifts.

The second noticeable difference is the guests. Traditionally, only women were invited to attend the gathering but nowadays many baby showers extend the invitation to male family members, including the expectant father. Although this is becoming more popular, most gatherings still only tend to involve close female friends and family.

The third difference is the format of the party. Traditionally, because the party took place after the baby was born the main focus was to bring gifts for the new baby and be introduced. A modern day baby shower still involves the bringing of gifts for the new baby, but also now has been extended to include some fun party games, party food and of course lots of talk about babies! It is still hosted by a female family member but this is never usually the expectant mother, the expectant mother's mother or their mother in law.

Despite subtle differences between a traditional and modern day baby shower, the true meaning still remains the same. A Baby Shower is a celebration to welcome a new life. Few things in life compare to the overwhelming excitement and joy a new baby brings to the family and this special occasion offers the perfect opportunity for families to get together and celebrate new life, love and family values.

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