Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Psychologist Can Help When Life Feels Overwhelming

Navigating the intricacies of daily life can seem overwhelming at times. It can be even more difficult when emotional, physical or financial roadblocks suddenly appear, causing a person to become unfocused, confused - even depressed or anxious. Gaining solid ground might require spending time in individual psychotherapy, where a licensed professional can offer support and advice.

Life today is increasingly fast-paced, sometimes leaving little time to deal with daily worries like work deadlines, commuting, issues with children, problems with a spouse or family member, or financial concerns. The weight of these pressures can create a feeling of hopelessness in an individual's life.

Spending time with a licensed counselor provides an opportunity for someone outside of one's intimate circle of family and friends to provide unbiased support, advice and a non-judgmental ear. Sometimes, just talking about these worries and frustrations with a trusted professional gives one the freedom to move beyond immediate fears and concerns toward problem solving.

Aside from an unbiased ear, a trained mental health professional can help provide insight into the source of the problem from a different point of view. Someone who isn't intimately involved or affected by a situation's outcome can often provide an honest and open assessment and see a problem from an alternate perspective.

No matter a person's age, profession or standing in the community, everyone hits a time or situation when a little extra help is welcome. Life can transition quickly, without time to catch a breath when a loved one passes, a job is lost, or a sudden physical debilitation creates a stumbling block in daily life. A professional offers assurance that while these problems can be uncomfortable, maddening or scary, most of them can be worked through.

Studies have shown that seeking professional mental health assistance can be beneficial. The American Psychological Association reports that "people who have at least several sessions with a psychologist are far better off than individuals with emotional difficulties who are untreated." People who are going through a temporary crisis, in fact, might just require a few sessions over an abbreviated period to get them over the hump.

When someone experiences anxiety about money matters, relationship issues or a combination of concerns, working with a psychologist can help unravel the knots and ease the pressure of feeling alone in the struggle. Everyone hits a rough patch at one time or another, but with the option of professional psychological services, help is easily available.

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