Monday, May 13, 2013

3 Simple Ways To Stop Moles

Do you have brothers or sisters who have moles? Or do you have any family members who have an excessive amount of moles on their body? If you do, then you will have a higher risk of having moles on your body. In fact, people who have a high risk of having moles on their body tend to have a higher risk of suffering from skin cancer. Here are 3 simple ways to stop having moles!

1. Use moisturising skin on your body twice a day

To keep your skin constantly hydrated and in top healthy condition, you should apply moisturiser on your skin at least twice a day. The reason why you do this is because during the day, your skin will naturally dry out due to exposure to the sun and increased body temperature changes during the day. If you do not moisturise your skin throughout the day, your skin will lose significant water content in which skin decaying and damage may occur. When this occurs, moles can develop.

The minimum amount you should moisturise your skin is at least twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. But, if you feel that your skin is cracking and becoming dry, you should apply moisturiser straight away!

2. Apply sunscreen on your skin when you are out in the sun

Moles are developed on the skin due to dysfunction of the pigment cells in your skin. When your pigment cells are exposed to the sun in long periods, the pigment cells will be damaged and will cause pigmentation dysfunction in which it causes moles. So to prevent your skin and pigment cells from being damaged, you should protect your skin by wearing sunscreen on your skin.

Sunscreen should be especially applied during the mid-day which is between 11am and 3pm because this time of day is when your skin is the most potential to be damaged. But, applying sunscreen regularly during the day can help reduce moles significantly.

3. Daily Massages

One of the best and most secret way to reduce moles on your skin is by having daily massages on your skin. This is because when you have daily massages, it helps to rejuvenate and repair damaged skin cells. So any potential damaged pigmented cells can be repaired straight away when you massage the skin. Massaging also helps to increase the collagen strength in your skin which help reduce ageing and wrinkles from appearing which is another beneficial effect of daily massages.

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