Monday, April 29, 2013

The Artists Of The World Are Our Inspiration And Must Learn To Earn

There is great joy and satisfaction that comes from producing a beautiful creations. Joy in expressing your talent and enriching the world with what you have to offer. This is what drives the artist. Then reality hits, the bills are due, the rent needs to be paid, and the cupboards are bare.

Most of us are ill prepared to begin and run a successful business of any kind. Perhaps with the artist this is doubly so. Unfounded fears of "selling out" or cheapening artistic talent by putting a dollar amount on it seem to be lingering attitudes of many creative people. However, to be an artist, learning to sell your art without reservation and with the certainty that your work is valuable is vital. Marketing yourself and your art effectively will make the difference between making a living doing what you were born to do or just dabbling in art as a hobby.

When you make the decision to become a professional artist, it's time to start thinking about how you're going to sell your art. You need to come up with a marketing strategy. You will need to learn business fundamentals that may not be interesting to you, but isn't it worth it? As an artist, you must keep your eye on the bottom line, in order to do what you love, and still earn a living. The idea of being a "starving artist" may be romantic in theory, but the reality of it is not, and there is no reason for it. There are simply too many opportunities and ways to distribute your art to those who want it. Online marketing, selling locally, craft fairs, you could even tap into the corporate art world. Where and how you market just depends on what your specialty is.

There is a lot that needs to be learned to successfully run your own business. You must be willing to invest your time, energy and money into yourself and back into your business. Keep your focus and you will succeed. At the end of the day think how great it will feel to be in charge of your own life. You can structure your life around your business and your talent or around someone else's. Our country needs entrepreneurs now more than ever. We need people who are ready and willing to step out of the box and learn to earn. This creates a ripple entrepreneur is successful and jobs are created for others, money is circulated and moral is boosted. The artists of the world are our inspiration! They don't only "make pretty things" they move people and motivate. If you are an artist who wants to step out on your own, don't let fear stop you. Invest in yourself and pursue your dreams, and inspire those around you.

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