Friday, April 26, 2013

Learn How To Get Better Google Rankings Fast

Some webmasters are torn between figuring out how to get better Google rankings and keeping visitors happy. Once a webmaster understands that the search bots are modeled to give preference to things that visitors are interested in, the whole thing becomes clear. All that needs be done is to follow SEO guide lines and spend a lot of time improving the user experience.

Sitemap: Getting pages indexed in Google is a big part of the struggle for more traffic. Blog platforms and other CMS that are used nowadays usually alert the search engines whenever new pages are published. But for the conventional website, a sitemap is an essential.

Google's section for webmasters offers a whole bunch of analytical tools based on a submitted sitemap. It ferrets out missing pages (404 errors) and lists all the incoming links and keywords for each page. Dynamic sitemaps that update whenever new content is added are best, but there are plenty of online sitemap generators that can also be used.

Onsite Optimization: Many webmasters will spend hours every day figuring out how to get better Google rankings. Most of these efforts are directed beyond the site. But the thing is that most of the effort needs to be onsite, on issues like titles, keywords and internal linking.

Begin by generating a list of keywords using a keyword generation tool like the one from Google Adwords. Go through the entire site and add keywords from the list into titles and within the content, wherever appropriate. New pages should always be created based on keywords, and the main keyword should be there in the title and within the page.

Internal linking has to be perfected to make sure that every page is a part of the site, and not a stand-alone orphan which no other page links to. The hierarchy flows down from the home page down to categories and drills down to the pages. Each page needs to have links pointing to all hierarchical categories above it. The template must have a menu and sidebar that contains links to help the visitor browse the entire site.

Link Building: The importance of external links to search algorithms cannot be overstated. Search engines automatically push up new pages that start acquiring external links. The best suggestion on how to get better Google rankings that anyone will ever give you is to make it a habit to acquire a couple of incoming links to every new page as soon as it gets published.

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