Monday, April 29, 2013

Excessive Underarm Sweating - The Price You Pay

Excessive underarm sweating affects an estimated 3% of the population. Until recently there wasn't a permanent cure. But now, certain surgeons trained in Vaser Lipo can permanently reduce this problem sweating.

Vaser Lipo received approval from Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008. The Vaser procedure combines ultrasound technology with liposuction to remove the sweat glands.

The procedure itself is fairly simple. After fully numbing up the area, a tiny incision in made in the skin of the underarm, and the Vaser probe is passed under the skin. The doctor will gently manipulate the probe back and forth breaking apart the sweat glands with the ultrasonic pulses emitted from the machine.

Then the destroyed sweat glands are aspirated via a small hollow tube. There is very little scarring or trauma to the underarm area, and the down-time is minimal. In all, the procedure takes less than an hour; you can go home soon afterwards and resume your normal life within a day or two.

Some people may consider that this excessive underarm sweating procedure is a costly solution, but the truth is, as an investment in yourself, it offers the highest rate of return, especially when you compare it with the cost of continued Botulinum Toxin A injections. The injections you will need to continue to get every few months, this Vaser procedure is permanent and so you only have to pay for once. You don't need to run a cost-benefit analysis to figure that one out. It's pretty apparent which one offers you the highest rate of return on your investment.

Making the decision to do something about Axillary Hyperhidrosis is not a difficult one – you obviously want to, else you wouldn't be reading this article. You have two obvious choices – Botox or Vaser. Botox gives you a viable temporary solution, while Vaser provides you with a permanent one. The decision between them is a personal one, based on your preferences, desires and wallet. Whichever you choose, you will have made an investment in yourself. Either way, besides the immediate physical benefits of the treatment – namely, no more sweating and no more smell, you will have another, less tangible, but arguably more important benefit – and that is your confidence restored.

All of those situations you earlier avoided because you were uncomfortable or ashamed – all gone. So, raise your hand if you know the answer to the question, or want to volunteer your services, or just announce your presence. Hail a friend from across a crowded room with a wave, rather than a shout. Take off your jacket and get comfortable, even in a room full of people you don't know. Without the fear of sweat or smell holding you back, embrace your friends and your family – without fear, embrace your life.

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